Chapter 4-Wanna See A Magic Trick?

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After bawling my eyes out for days, Vance texts the group chat suggesting we all go to the Grab An Go corner shop to hang out, to try and get our minds off our 3 missing friends. It is not that easy to forget such a tragic incident. So i get myself ready and try and escape my pathetic excuse for a mother and my horrible brothers, i run as fast as i can to the corner shop to find all of my friends outside the doors of the crowded shop, we go in at the same time and Vance and Evie run to the pinball machine as the rest of us go around the shop and buy some snacks and a slushy each. I'm trying to forget but i cant find myself to forget my 3 boys, Bruce, my ray of sunshine, one of the reasons why i smile on a daily basis, Robin, our group badass and protector, and poor little Griffin... fuck, he was only 14 years old!!!! WHYYYYYYY!!! Tears started to form, i forgot where i was, i wasn't myself or days, but the others were always there for me. After a couple of hours at the shop, i started to get tired, so i told the group i was headed home. It was currently 6pm and was already a bit dark out, but i only lived 5 mins away from the shop. I hugged them goodbye and exited the store. As i walked out, Vance came running out behind me and bellowed "MAKE SURE TO TEXT THE GC WHEN YOURE HOME!!" I laughed and shouted back "I WILLLLLL DONT WORRY". 

I started to make my way home. It was quiet out. No cars. No people. Just me. I continued to stroll along as i slowly allow salty tears to trickle down my face. As i start get near my house, i see a- BLACK VAN??? THE EXACT SAME ONE AS THE BUS STOP ONE?? holy shit. A man rapidly appears out from behind the van with a bag which seems to be groceries, he suddenly trips and drops the bag as well as his top hat (the one i saw on the man before). The hat falls off his soft hair and all the food scatters everywhere, broken eggs and smashed sprite bottles. "OHHHH, for fuck sakes, you goof hahaha" he exclaims very loudly, as if he was trying to get me to bend down and help him pick up the groceries he dropped. His voice sounded funny, but also kinda hot- omg what am i thinking? i need to get home. His top hat rolled to my feet. "HI darling, could get you give me my hat please" He asked politely. I replied with a slightly uneasy tone "sure i guess". I bent down to pick the hat up off the floor and as im doing so he stares at me and deeply into my innocent eyes. He looked hungry, for me anyway(not the food). "Thank you sweetheart" he says after slowly putting the hat back on. We stare at each other for a good 10 seconds and attempt to walk away. He stops me with a question "what are you doing out so late sweetheart?". "i was out with a couple friends, trying to get over such a horrifying tragedy after my friends went missing, im so depressed now" I was trying to avoid eye contact with the strange man but i couldn't help but look at his sky blue eyes and his wide smirk, spreading on his face. "well i am a part time magician! wanna see a magic trick?" he smiled widely urging to hear the word "yes" escape from my mouth. I raised one eyebrow "umm sure i guess". I took small steps back but this was kinda a good distraction so i wouldn't have to go home. He slowly pulled out a strange silver can. He then menacingly opened his black van doors with a eerie looking grin and stepped closer to me. The mans smile faded into a angry emotion and clutched onto me. His grip was very firm and tight so i couldn't escape. I was freaking the fuck out and i attempted to scream for help but the silver can came in use; he spayed that shit in my eyes and my mouth to the point i had silenced screams and he tossed me into the back of his van and aggressively slammed the doors shut. I knew i was totally fucked...

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