Chapter van?

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My eyes flutter open to the agitating sirens of my alarm, its 6am and school starts at 8am. I live quite a distance from my school so I need to catch a bus to get to my destination. I throw myself out of my bed and walk to my bathroom. I see my reflection which makes me gag, I look hideous.  I brush my teeth and splash my face with cold water to wake myself up seeing as my eyes are slowly starting to shut again. After I finish up in the bathroom, I dress myself in my ugly uniform and pack my bag with my school supplies. I then make my way downstairs to see my mother sat on the couch with a bottle of wine in her hand. "Mom, what time do you call this? It's so fucking early and you're drowning yourself in wine. What the fuck?" My mothers eyes are crossed to the point she cant look straight but her eyes finally meet mine and her facial expressions change drastically into a furious beast "Fuck off Jess! I'm 45 years old, I can do what I want in MY own house, if you don't like it, get the fuck out!" Her speech was slurred it was hard to understand her. My brothers had earwigged our conversation and came down and agreed with my mother, considering my brothers are 27 years old and I'm only 17, IM the one being told to move out like wtf? I ignore my shameful and disgraceful family and forcefully open the front door and slam it shut. As I walk to the bus stop, tears run down my face but I quickly wipe them away on my sleeve when I see Billy, Bruce, Vance, Evie, Robin, Griffin, Finney and Gwen waving to me at the bus stop. I run as fast as I can to them and they all welcome me with a colossal hug. My heart jumps every time my friends hug me considering I never once had gained a hug from my family so this is always such a heart warming experience. They all say hi to me at the same time until Billy noticed something strange. "Hey Jess? Why are your eyes super red and swollen?". They all turn their heads rapidly to meet my gaze only to see my watery, sunken eyes. I stayed silent as Evie and Vance approached me. Vance pulled out a tissue from his bag to wipe my eyes dry and Evie swung her arms around me, continuously questioning if I was okay. Billy, Bruce, Robin, Finney, Gwen and Griffin huddled around me as they place their hands around me and Evie and it turns into a group hug. "Hey hey guys! I'm okay, alright? Just some shit that happened at home, no biggie" I said as I chuckled. "Do I need to beat a bitch up?" Robin asked as he lets out a cute giggle whilst rubbing his hand on his clenched fists. The group laughed a little except Gwen. She was staring at something. She looked terrified. I pulled away from the hug and walked towards her. "Gwen?...Everything okay?" Her head shook violently and shakily dragged her arm up to point at something. My eyes meet the direction her finger points too, van? I looked at her with a weirded out stare. "Gwen, you're agitated about your dreams, please get over it. After all, your dreams are just dreams" I patted her back and walked back to the group. The bus arrived and we all got on, Evie and Vance hand in hand, Robin and Finney laughing, Bruce and Griffin in mid conversation, Billy's arm around me but something else drew my attention, I felt a mean pair of eyes on me, I look back to the black van to see a tall man leant against the van with one leg behind the other and his arms crossed, with sunglasses and a top hat on, his grey hair softly slapping off his shoulders due to the slight brush of wind, it looked as if he had white face paint on, the sunglasses blocked his eyes completely so it was really hard to tell if he even had eyes. On his top half he wore a blood red turtleneck sweater with a black silky top over the sweater, and on his bottom half, he wore a pair of flared black jeans, they flapped around his ankles just enough to see his black shoes underneath. A sudden smirk grew on his pale white face as we entered the bus. I felt as if he had a sense of sinister behind him just because he looks they way he looks. It kinda freaked me out. Billy shook me slightly to awaken me from my daydream. I shook my head and entered the bus with everyone else. Evie and Vance sat in the back corner of the bus, i sat in the middle of Evie and Billy and Gwen was sat beside Billy. In front of us were Finney, Robin, Griffin and Bruce. We all spoke, laughed and giggled as the bus took us to our destination. No matter what emotion i expressed, i could not get that man out of my head. Is it bad that i kinda find him attractive?.....

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