Chapter one; The arrival

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"Small city trees, small city of woes. It's coming on, it's coming every day.." Siri'tri sang in English along with the song blasting from her headphones attached to the song machine. In five years she had learned all the lyrics to the multiple cassettes she and Tsireya had found in the helicopter. At first, it was difficult but now she pronounced the words perfectly, she still didn't know what they all meant though.

She sat on the edge of the helicopter letting her legs hang in the air flailing around freely. Her gaze drifted to the horizon appearing infinite behind the reef wondering what was ahead of it. It was soon mid-day and she had been hanging around the helicopter the entire morning. Earlier Reya (her nickname for her best friend) had stopped by bringing her fruits and asking about Iri's plans for the day. After chatting for a few minutes Tsireya left to explore the reef with her Ilu. Iri continued daydreaming while munching on the fresh fruit and changing the cassette in the machine. She smiled and laid her head against the tree thinking she had no responsibilities for once today, happiness washing over her.

Siri'tri was in full karaoke mode when she suddenly saw something appearing on the horizon. Her eyes furrowed in confusion as she climbed to the upper branch to get a better look. Could she be hallucinating? Did Reya poison her or some other shit? "Maybe I'm just so sleep-deprived that I'm going insane."At first, she couldn't see anything but a few dots but as they came closer she figured them to be Ikrans! The flying banshee creatures of the land Na'vi.She hadn't seen one in years and that one time she managed to get a glimpse it was only for a minute. Her curiosity got the best of her she started gathering her things into her leather pouch leaving her music and placing the machine inside a small cabinet.

Iri tried to run back to the village as fast as she could passing the familiar trees and the clear pond that she associated many memories with. Due to her great shape thanks to the training the trip took only a few minutes. She knew every rock and root and she effortlessly made her way down the path. She made it out of the forest just as the five Ikrans landed on the sand in the distance. Quickly she made a clicking sound with her throat calling for her skimwing Kostja. Only a few seconds later it appeared in the shallow water patiently waiting for Iri. She slid on top of Kostja, made the tsaheylu, and dove into the water fast.

When Siri'tri came closer to the center of the village the other inhabitants had already surrounded the newcomers so she didn't have a clear look yet. Searching the reef her eyes met a familiar pair of boys. "Ah yes, my favorite skxawngs bet you won't see this coming" Iri laughed to herself launching towards the boys with Kostja splashing them hard."Come on dude why do you always have to do that??" Ao'nung whined fixing his hair while Roxto was still processing what had just happened. "For the sake of my own pleasure!" Siri'tri laughed snorting in between the laughs. Ao'nung felt a slight blush form on his cheeks but contained it. For a while now he had felt a small thing for Siri'tri but luckily nobody had noticed. " Anyways guys do you have any idea what's going on? Who came here riding Ikrans?" Siri'tri asked. "We don't know yet but it must be something serious hence the horns" Roxto shrugged slowly gaining his balance after his sister had splashed them. Siri'tri made her way next to them sliding off from her skimwing and sending Kostja on his way. "Probably some idiots who got lost." Ao'nung thought but didn't say anything. "Well let's go quickly I do not want to miss out on anything" Iri replied coolly putting on the more serious persona that she always had when she was not around her family and friends. Ao'nung and Roxto nodded.

The trio soon arrived at the spot making their way through the people. They stopped when they saw the people. Iri's eyes widened but she kept her head high with a straight back not showing emotions to strangers like Tonowari had taught her from a young age. "Forest people I cannot believe my eyes!" She thought to herself with her mind bubbling with questions she desperately needed answers to. Examining the people in front of her she noticed their slimmer figures, deep blue skin, bright yellow eyes, and heavier clothing. The bunch was clearly a family consisting of a father, a mother, two girls, a younger boy, and oh- a pair of eyes wide and fixated on her with a mouth slightly open. 

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