Chapter ten; Beach fight

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"Leave us alone!"

"Baby tail! Baby tail!" Was all Neteyam needed to hear for him to come over and push Ao'nung. Siri'tri followed right behind him going straight to Kiri to make sure she was alright.

"You okay Kiri, what did those fuckers do to you? I swear I will kill you Roxto!" Iri hushed inspecting Kiri before hissing at her brother.

"I'm fine they just grabbed my tail and shit, stupid shit."

"You heard what she said, leave them alone." Neteyam threatened pushing Ao'nung with his finger.

"Ahh big brother coming to-" Mika'ui one of Ao'nung's little rats tried to laugh but Ao'nung silenced him.

"You little cun-"  Siri'tri had never liked that weasel, he had no mind on his own and every time Siri'tri agreed to hang out with her brother and Ao'nung it was with the condition that Mika'ui would be banned. Iri was craving to beat his weak ass but resisted because it wouldn't be a fair fight.

"Back off, now." Neteyam added seriously making his point clear before letting go of Ao'nung who raised his arms in surrender with a smirk on his face.

"Your choice, and from now on I need you to respect my sister."

Kiri flashed her tongue at them and Iri couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Sometimes Kiri was like a five-year-old.

"Let's go."

Neteyam started to walk away with Kiri and Lo'ak. Siri'tri didn't move yet because she felt that this wasn't the end. She knew these dumbasses too well to know that they were always practically begging for a good fight.  And that's exactly what they did.

"Bye byee." One of them whined sounding like a big baby earning laughs from the others.

Ao'nung glanced at Siri'tri who was standing there looking him straight in the eyes with a disappointed look. "She's so beautiful when she's angry." He felt bad for a second before going back to the conversation.

"Look at them they're all freaks, the whole family!" Mika'ui snickered and that was it. Lo'ak turned around making Neteyam nervous. "Come on bro dad's gonna kill us if we get in trouble. I just had my first kiss. Holy shit I just had my first kiss with Siri'tri." Neteyam glanced at Siri'tri who looked like she was about to attack her brother's friend at any given moment.

"Lo'ak" Neteyam warned him.

"I got this bro." Lo'ak reassured making his way in front of Ao'nung.

"I know this hand is funny, look I'm a freak. Alien, but I can do something really cool. Watch." Lo'ak explained.

"Do you have zero brain cells? Dude, he's gonna punch you?"  Iri thought looking at Ao'nung whose face was pretty much inches away from Lo'ak's fist.

"First I tuck it like this okay?" Ao'nung nodded curiously.

"Three, two, one."  Neteyam and Siri'tri both counted in their heads. Boom. Lo'ak punched Ao'nung three times. "Nice form, I guess five fingers add to it. Iri approves"

Ao'nung fell to the ground with a thud and his nose started bleeding instantly. "It's called a punch bitch! Never touch my sister again." Lo'ak threatened before the whole group jumped on him.

Lo'ak was clearly struggling because four versus one wasn't very fair. Neteyam was contemplating whether to join or not. "You could show her that you're better than those idiots...Alright screw it, I'm going in."  He scratched his forehead and ran in punching Mika'ui "Punch harder, he's an ass by the way!" Siri'tri shouted from next to Kiri. "Yes ma'am." He thought before kneeing Roxto and punching Mika'ui again.

Kiri watched Iri's face when she shouted at Neteyam. She could feel something was different. The way she looked at him was off, she was smiling more. "No way Netty would score Iri though. She's way too smart for his ass."

"Aren't you like a warrior of something, shouldn't you join?" Kiri asked.

"Are you being serious? They're so bad I want to take their hands and then guide them for a good punch."

Mika'ui then smacked Neteyam who was beating the other kid whose name Iri hadn't even bothered to learn with his tail.

"See they even try to steal my moves." She laughed to Kiri before shouting " At least do it right Mika'ui! You're a disgrace!" Neteyam looked at Iri smiling and then waving before getting smacked on his lip.

"Oh my goodness" Iri cringed and looked away.

"So stupid!" Kiri yelled trying to bite back her laugh.

"Okay, I'm done with this." Siri'tri decided calmly walking to the mess and picking Roxto by his ear. Terrified of his sister Roxto immediately obeyed when Iri told him to go apologize to Kiri and go home.

"The easy one has been dealt with, next one."

She made her way to Ao'nung who was now on top of Neteyam trying to punch his face but the technique was off. Punching wasn't considered important in the Metkayina fighting style. Siri'tri picked up Ao'nung wrapping her arms under his armpits and forcing him to get up. He immediately fell limp when he realized who was lifting him. Siri'tri then dropped him to the ground before helping Neteyam up and pushing him slightly signaling for him to leave.

Neteyam got Lo'ak and the Sullys left, Iri saw how their father Jake was already approaching them. Roxto had probably immediately aroused confusion among the people because he had a black eye. Neteyam glanced back at her signing for them to meet later.

"You learned so fast, how?" She signed at him shocked while holding Mika'ui in a lock with her hands.

"So effortless." He looked at her in awe.

"I guess I'm just that good" He shrugged smirking before his dad pulled his arm leading him away. "Learned it for you."


A/N a really short chapter because I just felt like it :) Next chapter probably tomorrow if I don't have loads of homework.

Also a book recommendation if anyone likes historical novels. I loved Laila Hietamies's novel "Red moon over white sea" I've read it in finnish and and also the english copy. The ending is horrifying but the book really opens your eyes about the cruel minds of soldiers back in the times of the Russian revolution.

Yeah don't know where that came from, just had to add it :)

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