Chapter twenty; Su'vi te Re'ikna Molan'ite

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"Hissishiii I'm gonna kick all your asses because I am an ass kisser- kicker... Grhhhrh... Yeah, I'm going to kick your balls and laughh... Cause I am an ass kisseeeer-" Siri'tri laughed in her sleep in the middle of pig-like snores."What does Neteyam see in her?" Roxto thought. She was in deep sleep and didn't sense her mother standing there. Roxto did. "Oh hey mum, you've come back-"

"Get out Roro." Su'vi stated not batting an eye at her son. "What-?" Roxto got up rubbing his eyes. "I and the aunties have something to do." Su'vi said with a disgusting burst of energy. "Oh no, what's happening-" Roxto thought. He saw how his mother looked at Siri'tri like she was about to execute one of her manic plans.

He peered through their doorway to the common room and was horrified. There had to be at least five aunties and one grandma waiting around in the middle of the room with a bunch of clothing and hair supplies. His expression only worsened when he realized whose family's women they were.


Roxto returned to his room and glared at his mother. "You are not marrying Iri with Mika'ui! Have you lost your mind for good this time?" Su'vi turned to Roxto and laughed sweetly. She caressed his cheek and smiled. "Oh, honey of course not! This is only the rehearsal! If it doesn't work out, there are other boys who I'm sure would take Siri'tri's hand!"

"She doesn't want to get mated mother! What are you doing, you yourself said that people should find their soulmate themselves, not through a contract." He couldn't help himself when Kiri's face flashed in his mind.

Roxto was terrified. He knew his mother was a sort of a nutjob, to begin with, but lately, she had been out of it. She was barely at home and when she was, she was either asleep or making crafts. Su'vi didn't even greet Siri'tri. Roxto knew something had happened between them but every time he tried to ask Siri'tri, she changed the subject. Sometimes he felt like both his mother and sister didn't realize that he wasn't a little kid anymore and that he wasn't oblivious to things happening around him.

"Heyy, what's going on? You look so pale Roxto, have you eaten anything?" Siri'tri woke up and sat on her hammock. "Nothing Riri! Roro was just leaving to go swim with the Sully kids." "No I wasn't-" Su'vi put her hand on Roxto's mouth. "Oh great! I'll join you, I have a free day!" Iri exclaimed and started putting her hair up but Su'vi stopped her and pushed Roxto out of the house before he could warn Iri. "No Riri, we have something else to do... A makeover!" Su'vi screamed happily. Siri'tri's face dropped. "Oh, Eywa-"

When Roxto was out of the Marui pod, he had to crouch down for a minute and cry. Sometimes his mind was a buzz and the only thing that helped him think was a good cry. He breathed in and out and stood up. He called for an Ilu and dove into the clear water. "Tonowari-" he thought.

Siri'tri was trapped on a chair for hours while three aunties worked on her braids and two painted her face. She didn't know what was going on since no one answered any of her questions but she enjoyed the pampering. Maybe this was her mother's way to apologize. Once they were done, Iri looked into the mirror. "Wiya aunties! You actually made me look amazing." Her hair was braided into micro braids that had different jewelry and charms attached to them. The ends were left open so that her curls would show. Her face was painted with thin turquoise lines that almost blended into her skin. It reminded her of bridal paint but decided to ignore it, she didn't want to ruin her mother's vision.

"Neteyam is gonna lose his shit when he sees me." Iri smirked to herself. She was brought back when the women started to drown her in necklaces and other garments. "This one?" One of them asked. "No,  her face is too narrow it'll make her look like a strip of seaweed." Iri gasped but didn't have time to say anything. The hair was still somewhat normal but why was she being dressed up? Her ceremony was over a month ago! She looked at her mother and her stomach dropped. Su'vi had that look on her face which indicated that something bad was happening. Sometimes she had idiotic ideas that she wanted to pursue even if it meant that other people would get hurt.

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