Chapter twelve; I'm no better than a man

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This is another unfinished sketch of Siri'tri I made today, it's still not exactly how I imagine her. Although this is probably the closest I'll get with my rusty art skills 💀


"What?" Neteyam and Iri asked in unison.

 They had been trying to patch up Neteyam's lip but with no success, since he constantly tried to either kiss her (as a joke because their kiss earlier had apparently been a joke) or laugh when the paste she was applying tickled.

After trying for almost thirty minutes, it was getting dark and they were both sore from the game earlier. Iri was about to lay her head on Neteyam's shoulder when Ao'nung appeared in the doorway.

"I- I didn't mean to I-"

"Didn't mean to leave him alone? Outside the reef and he hasn't come back? It's been hours!" Iri screamed at Ao'nung who was panicking. You could see sweat starting to form on his forehead.

"I fucked up real this time. Father's going to kill me and Iri is never going to forgive me. Fuck, what if he's dead, it's your fault! You're gonna get banished!"

Neteyam was silent, he was worried sick for Lo'ak. The one time he didn't look out for his siblings because for once he was doing something he enjoyed, someone had to get in trouble. "Classic."

Then he got pissed. The words Iri had told earlier about Ao'nung being a decent person were wiped away as he grabbed Ao'nung by the neck and started dragging him. Iri sighed and followed. Trying not to scream and hurt Ao'nung more than earlier, she decided that Neteyam was in charge of Ao'nung and that she would go find Lo'ak.

After dragging Ao'nung to the clan leader's Marui, Neteyam noticed Siri'tri's absence. He eyed the surroundings and saw her head out of Awa'atlu's reef. He was grateful for her more than ever, to go find Lo'ak without hesitation even though they weren't even close. Seeing that made him admire her even more.

Neteyam led Ao'nung to the leaders and they immediately sent more people to search for Lo'ak. After Neteyam had told how Iri was already on the lookout, the leader pair shared a small proud look.

They instructed Neteyam to go inform his parents. He felt like he didn't want to deliver the news so once again he yanked Ao'nung to go with him. After the boys had left, Tonowari and Ronal had a discussion.

"You trained her well, she will make a great warrior."

"She already is Ronal." Tonowari looked at her with soft eyes.

"She has to go through all of Iknimaya."

"She is ready. Siri'tri has completed most of the rites years ago. No one else has tamed a Tsurak that young. Not to mention, her going to help Toruk Makto's son without hesitation shows great bravery"

"We will talk to her after this situation has been dealt with." She softly nodded. "Now let's go, our son has lost his mind"


Iri had searched a wide area with no traces of Lo'ak. Slowly returning to the village, she lingered at the seawall terraces. Some others who had also looked for him had already returned but she refused. Iri knew that he was alive, she could feel it.

After waiting and looking around for another thirty minutes, she was starting to lose hope when she heard a voice behind the seawalls. Quickly, she made her way around the corners finding Lo'ak swimming towards her and waving.

"Are you hurt?" She asked pulling him on top of Kostja and grabbing his face in her hands trying to look for any damages. He shrugged letting her do her thing.

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