Chapter three; Kiri and Iri

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"Hey, mom... Uh I can't sleep I think I'm gonna go for a walk, I'll be back sooner than you know bye!" Siri'tri explained before running out of the family pod. Su'vi just waved her hand without taking her eyes off her crochet project. She was making her daughter a new loincloth because she couldn't stand those ugly shorts.

It was nearly midnight so Iri had to hurry. She didn't want Kiri to wait for her. She dove into the cool water and Kostja instantly appeared behind the corals. Iri signaled for Kostja to be quiet and the Skimwing obeyed. The trip to the Sully's took less than a minute thanks to Kostja. Iri rose to the surface sitting on top of Kostja and crossing her legs.

"And now we wait" Iri whispered to Kostja, he made a squealing sound agreeing.

It was mostly quiet with the exception of a few fishermen still putting in nets in the water. Only distant talking could be heard from different homes.


Everyone else of the Sullys was asleep except Kiri. At least that's what she thought when she made her way out of the cot sneaking so nobody would wake up. When she was outside her eyes immediately caught Iri in the water sitting cross-legged on one of those bigger creatures.

Kiri ran to Iri mesmerized by the huge fish-like animal with wings.

"Oh my goodness what is that!" Kiri whisper yelled with her eyes examining the animal.

"It's my Tsurak also known as a Skimwing. His name is Kostja and I've had him by my side for about five years now. Wow time really flies by!" Iri replied gesturing for Kiri to join her on the back. "You can hold onto his wing, we'll go slow" Iri winked.

Kiri slowly dipped into the water and grabbed the right wing with her both hands making sure her grip wasn't hurting the animal. It was her first time in the water and she felt amazing, more than that. She couldn't explain the feeling she had going through her whole body and mind.

Iri got off her position getting on her stomach on the long back of her Tsurak. Slow but steady Kostja took off to the reef. "Wanna dive?" Iri asked glancing at Kiri whose head was spinning in every direction trying to see everything around her.
Kiri's eyes widened. She looked at Iri nodding her head.

"Hold your breath."

After that Iri patted Kostja's side and the Skimwing dove in but not too deep. Kiri had thought that the water looked amazing looking from above but this was just on another next level. She felt like her head was about to explode. The corals and the seaweed were glowing in a bioluminescent way in different colors lighting the world below the surface. There were countless types of fish and other creatures swimming around calmly. Kiri stroked the creatures she floated by feeling their scales and slimy skin. She giggled when one of them tickled her hand.

Iri watched how Kiri was blown away by the nature. To be honest she was nearly as mesmerized. Every time it was just as beautiful if not more. In the sea, everything was bound together by the water moving in sync with the heartbeat of Eywa calmly swaying from side to side. It was relaxing to just hold onto Kostja with the water lifting the body.

A few minutes had passed by and Iri realized they hadn't gone up to the surface once. Quickly she motioned for Kostja to go up. Once they broke the surface Iri was surprised to see Kiri breathing normally. She thought the Forest Na'vi didn't have a good lung capacity.

"Oh man, this is amazing! Did you see the fish and the corals glowing? It reminds me of the rainforest.."

"Does your forest glow too?" Siri'tri asked with her mouth slightly open trying to imagine what it could look like. She sat up and let her legs hang in the water.

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