Chapter six; Bonfires and drunk thoughts

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It was already 8.30pm when Tsireya had finished cutting Iri's hair with her mother Ronal. The girls had gone to the Tsahik to show the situation right after returning from the beach. Ronal couldn't help but laugh at Iri's appearance. Just like Tonowari, Ronal deeply cared for Siri'tri. Most of the time she treated Iri like one of her own.

"It is ready." Ronal said examining the results satisfied with the outcome. Since the hair was already shorter with the longest curls sitting right under Iri's shoulders, Ronal and Tsireya agreed to just give it layers and not take off more length.

"Actually, it is very beautiful. I think it suits you very well." Tsireya agreed clapping her hands from excitement. Reya was the kind of person to get excited for others, truly a ray of sunshine.

Iri got up from the stool they had made her sit on for an unbearable amount of time. She almost complained about her ass feeling sore and numb but decided against it thinking it wasn't the best idea to talk about her ass in front of the Tsahik.

She looked into the mirror hanging on Tsireya's wall and was pleased to see the results. "No way, have I had this much potential all this time? Why have I kept it in that hideous bun... ugh"

"Oh my dear, I have been waiting for you to realize that. The bun makes your elegant face look like an egg" Ronal coughed.

"Was that backhanded?"

"Mother!" Tsireya shushed Ronal. Her mother just laughed gathering her tools before leaving Reya's cot.

"Is that true?!"

"Nooooo but kind of."

"I call this betrayal! If you would look horrendous- Which is like impossible, I would totally tell you about it."

"Yeah yeah sure, go get dressed we need to hurry if you wanted to pick up Neteyam in thirty minutes." Reya said already pushing Iri out.

"All of the older siblings not just Neteyam!" Iri defended herself.

"Yeah whatever you say go!" Tsireya groaned practically not listening before turning back to her room.



Neteyam walked back and forth in their family's Marui pod feeling nervous. He didn't want to admit but he was having a hard time not thinking about Iri.

"Come on you have been here for only three days you can't have a crush yet. Besides a crush won't hurt anyone, you've had crushes like there before. Not like this one though. No! Your body is just malfunctioning. You're nervous just because it's a new environment. That could be it... right"

"Stop running around skxawng, it's annoying." Kiri complained trying to pick a good outfit.

The three eldest siblings were alone in their cot because their parents and Tuk had gone to attend some kind of a gathering.

Lo'ak was taking a nap so he was snoring in the corner. "Always snoring god damnit!" Kiri thought, she felt like sometimes her head was about to explode around her brothers. It's like whatever they did annoyed her. Snoring? Annoying. Eating sounds? Even more annoying. breathing? Downright insufferable.

Neteyam kept peeking out of the entryway to the village checking to see if he would see a familiar figure. No success yet.

"Stop checking for her, it's not nine yet." Kiri said now trying on different kinds of necklaces, she ended up choosing her mother's old one. It had officially belonged to Neytiri's sister Sylwanin who had gone to Grace's school. Neytiri always complimented it.

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