Chapter twenty-two; Twigs in braids and cuts on lips

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Siri'tri's soul after not taking any of her injuries seriously

 The meaning to a word in this chapter

Sisu:  a Finnish concept described as stoic determination, tenacity of purpose, grit, bravery, resilience, and hardiness.


It was raining quietly as Siri'tri followed Tonowari through the village to tell Jake Sully the news. Yesterday she and Tonowari, along with other warriors had visited another village to the south and they were met with a haunting sight. An entire village burned to the ground with people crying and wailing for their lost homes. The clan's Olo'eyktan had warned them about sky people burning down villages everywhere looking for Toruk Makto. When Siri'tri heard the news, she felt a pit in her stomach and she had to grip her spear from feeling dizzy.

All this destruction because they were looking for one man? Siri'tri couldn't believe it. What kind of monsters were these sky people? It was like a flip had switched in her brain. For all her life she had wanted to learn about them but now, all she wanted was for them to disappear and suffer the consequences of their actions! Who were they to come to Pandora and act as if they owned it? They kill all that is in front of them and have no spiritual connection to Eywa or anything. They are cold-blooded and lack empathy.

"Demons-" One of the warriors hissed, fear and anger were written on everyone's faces.

Tonowari and Siri'tri reached the Sully's Marui pod and stood behind the corner for a second because Siri'tri grabbed Tonowari's arm. He looked at Siri'tri with a questioning face. "Listen to them. They are happy." They listened as they heard laughter inside. "Can't we just let them have this one moment?" She pleaded not wanting to disrupt their moment. Tonowari looked at Iri with sad eyes. "I wish we would but they need to know... Now."

Tonowari walked past the entryway signaling Jake to come outside. Jake and Neytiri glanced at each other and Jake followed Tonowari and Iri. "What's wrong?" Jake asked. "Villages have been burned, not here but to the south." Tonowari looked at the sea with a frustrated look. "It's the sky people, and they have a boy who speaks Na'vi." Siri'tri told. Jake's ears went up. He immediately knew what was going on. Neytiri was standing in the doorway looking down. "Have they killed anyone?" Jake asked. Siri'tri looked up at him and shook her head. "Not yet-" Tonowari spoke and turned to Jake. "They threaten, but the villagers will not tell them where you are, on my order." 

Siri'tri's blood was starting to boil. All these people are in danger of losing their lives as they speak. "Innocent souls." She thought. "If I were you, Jake Sully... I would start to come up with a plan before anyone loses their life." Siri'tri looked at him speaking her truth. Tonowari raised his eyes at her telling her to calm down. She shook her head and mouthed "I'm sorry" to the pair before stomping away. She needed to let out her anger and be alone.

She ran to the helicopter with her spear and started breaking everything. She cut the walls with her spear and smashed many cassettes. She was furious at herself for ever being so stupid to idolize the sky people and their things. She was mad at the person who had been so stupid as to crash the helicopter and disrupt the beautiful untouched nature. "You fucker! I was doing just fine before this bullshit!" She started smashing the dashboard in a rage screaming while doing so, she was so lost in her emotions that she didn't realize what side of her spear she had used. She stopped and backed away in terror. She examined her grandfather's blade making sure it was in good condition, to her luck it didn't have any scratches.

She looked at the destruction she had done and let out a hoarse scream regret creeping up her mind. For her part, she was glad for what she had done but the helicopter wasn't hers only. She had taken something from Tsireya and Kiri too. She started to hyperventilate and walk backward. "They're going to hate me! Shit, what do I do?"

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