Chapter eighteen; Pink and White

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the grammar police are warmly welcomed for this chapter since I wrote this on my phone and lost my glasses. But as Matti Nykänen said "Life is life."


"Mhm... dam damdamdam dididiii tralallaallaaa." Kiri micicked the sounds of the song playing in the backround. She had gone up to the helicopter by herself today. The others had said that there wasn't going to be anything special to do before the eclipse. Tsireya was with Lo'ak 24/7, Siri'tri was always busy and Neteyam was following her like a lost puppy wherever she went. It was so obvious the two of them had something going on despite denying it everytime Kiri even tried to ask.

It made Kiri physically I'll seeing Neteyam's mouth practically dripping with saliva everytime Siri'tri did something. Iri was way better at hiding her feelings but she wasn't perfect either. Kiri saw the brief glances and hand holdings. Afterall Kiri was happy for them, Neteyam and Siri'tri were practially destined to happen, they were both the older siblings and in the adults favor. Not to mention, they were both stupidly attractive. "Life is unfair

"Neteyam could get caught committing crimes but yet somehow dad would find a way to blame Lo'ak. Thank Eywa it's not me taking the blame." Kiri ranted to herself but then let out a scream when Siri'tri appeared under the branch. Iri snorted at Kiri who fell on her back and covered her eyes. "Oh please don't be so dramatic." She rolled her eyes and laid down next to Kiri. "I am never going to hunt again." She breathed out. "This was not what I was expecting after years and years of practice! Tonowari trained me to have the abilities of a killing machine and what am I doing? Laying freaking nets in the water!"

Kiri rolled on her stomach and looked sat Siri'tri who had closed her eyes. "You know you can wrestle the fish if you want to fight so badly?" Kiri chuckled at Siri'tri's frustration. Iri opened her eyes and glared at her. "Okay okay! It must be annoying spending all of your time doing real job when you could be sucking on Neteyam's face." Kiri imitated kissing sounds.

"Oh well, Kiri knows."

"Where is this lack of empathy coming from? You jealous or something?" Iri wiggled her brows. "Has my rat of a brother ignored you?" Siri'tri asked pouting. Kiri's mouth opened gasping for air. "Ugh! If someone is ignoring someone it's me!"

"You're ignoring my brother?"

"What? No I'm not!" Kiri's eyes widened.

"Wait, so you are not ignoring my brother..?"

"No, no, no nononoo..." Kiri tried to say but Siri'tri gasped.

"You have feelings for Roxto! I was just joking at first but your eyes tell it all!" Siri'tri started laughing and doubled over.

"No way he pulled you aaahhh!" Siri'tri schreeched and her voice cracked, tears were forming in her eyes from laughing.

Kiri got up to sit and glared into the distance. Iri got up too and wrapped her hand around Kiri's shoulder. "Hey don't blame yourself, me and Roxto just apparently happen to have an impeccable amount of charisma that attracts the Omaticaya Na'vi, it is only natural."

Kiri covered her face in her hands from embarrasment, this was not how she thought she would discover her feelings. Roxto was so stupid but he worshipped the ground Kiri walked on. He would always find her and ask if she needed anything. After the beach incident, he had apologized to her by taking her to beach to look at him look at the sand for three hours. Kiri had tried to resist but Roxto had insisted and that he shoud have never treated her the way he had. After he was done, he had said. "I may not find this so great, but if you like sand I will love it."

Kiri was telling the story and Iri was beyond impressed with her brother's moves. "I don't like sand." Iri said out of nowhere. "I didn't ask?" Kiri looked at her confused.

"Pink + White" Neteyam x OcWhere stories live. Discover now