Chapter twenty-three; Right spot

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During the past week, news about the sky people started to spread amongst the villagers. There was tension in the air but nobody dared to admit it. Days passed by with Siri'tri begging Tonowari to take action but with no success. On the other side of the village, Neytiri felt the same. She wanted to fight, and running away from their problems clearly hadn't worked but Jake was too scared to do anything.  Fear was spreading around the Islands like an illness that stuck and wouldn't let go. As a distraction from the current reality, Neteyam and Siri'tri went surfing. 

They were on the beach Neteyam had first seen her surf. At first, Neteyam wanted Siri'tri to see what he had learned so far. Iri was standing on the beach with her arms crossed like a judge. Neteyam looked at her from the distance and he felt scared to even try. He might have overexaggerated his skills to Iri and it was starting to prove. He saw a good-sized wave in the distance approaching so he dove under it and when he broke the surface he got up standing. "Here we go, do or dive-" He spoke to himself as he started cruising down the wave. Iri was watching him with the brightest smile ever known. She was impressed at how well he controlled his balance. "Stupid boy you know how to play me."She smiled at herself blushing as she watched Neteyam's braids flying in the air. 

The loop of the wave started closing and Neteyam had to race with the water. As he gained speed, he started to lose balance but then he heard Iri cheering for him. "Just speed up forest boy you're doing it right!" With his sudden gain of confidence, he bent his knees balancing the board and going full speed. When the wave closed, he made a swift turn and lowered himself to the water. He let out yells of victory and laughed unable to believe what he had just accomplished. Siri'tri clapped her hands and took her board. She ran into the water and swam to him. When she reached him, she jumped from her board to his and clung to his neck. "You were right! I thought you were just being cocky." She exclaimed grabbing his shoulders and pulling him into a sudden kiss. He smiled and reciprocated the affection.

For the next few hours, they surfed together and Iri tried to teach him how to do different tricks such as handstands or jumps. To their surprise, he managed to land a perfect jump but then fell into the water after it. Too busy celebrating, he hadn't noticed the wave behind him that pushed him off the board. Siri'tri had to go fetch his board that traveled far away because Neteyam claimed to be too tired to go himself. That was an excuse to just watch her. Neteyam loved to observe Iri do different things. When training, she always had her brows furrowed together and in conversations when someone said something funny or dumb, she always made this turtle-face frown. When smiling or laughing, she always covered her mouth with her hand which Neteyam tried to stop her from doing. She claimed that her laugh was awful since she sounded like a pig, Neteyam thought it was of the best things about her. 

When Siri'tri returned, they decided to call it quits for today. Both now hungry, they walked into the forest and Neteyam climbed the trees looking for fruits. Siri'tri trailed behind but Neteyam always knew where she was due to her heavy stomping and crackling back. He always thought Siri'tri's stomping was hilarious but it was only natural since she didn't live in the forest. The Omaticaya Na'vi had learned how to be as quiet as possible since they were babies to not scare the prey away. Eventually, Neteyam found safe food to eat and they returned to their surfboards. When they were eating, Iri traced the intricate patterns on Neteyam's board with a small smile. "What's funny?" He asked pointing to her smile. "You got this from my mother didn't you?"She spoke looking at him. "Yeah.. well she gave it to me. She said that if something, I would have to learn how to surf to get you to even look at me..." He chuckled remembering his flustered self trying to ask Su'vi for help. "Well, that was a lie..."She trailed off looking into the distance. "You got me before that." She had a small smile on her face. They fell into a comfortable silence, something only people very close to each other were able to have. 

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