Chapter twenty-one; Finger guns

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This picture is me writing this chapter smiling like the dumbass that I am.

"Why does he always have to be here?" Roxto sighed when Neteyam and Siri'tri woke up. Roxto and Siri'tri had been living alone for over a week now and Neteyam came over every day. "You can invite Kiri over if you want to, I bet it would cheer her up." Iri answered not bothering to raise her head from the pillow. She was still laying in her sleeping cot that was built into the wall and Neteyam was laying on his back on a little hay mattress on the floor. It was so thin that his back was most likely begging for relief after sleeping on it. Siri'tri turned on her side and peeked down at Neteyam. She grit her teeth. "You know you don't have to sleep on that?" Neteyam opened his eyes. "Oh no I don't mind, this is still better than being next to Lo'ak. See it's fine." He tried to convince Iri and patted the mattress. The room went silent when he accidentally made a hole in it just by tapping.

Neteyam looked at both Siri'tri and Roxto who grimaced when he rolled onto the floor next to the mattress. It had dents all over it from his body.
"Haha look, that's from your ass!" Roxto snorted pointing to a dent. Siri'tri stared at the sad excuse of a mattress and said. "Roxto' I need you to go to mum's and pick up your old mat, also bring my hammock." Siri'tri looked around their Marui pod. It was still a little empty since she didn't want to go see her mother yet and Roxto couldn't bring everything himself. Neteyam and the other Sullys had offered to help but Siri'tri declined saying that she needed to get used to being independent.

Roxto just nodded agreeing that it was embarrassing, even for them to keep a visitor on that. If that's what you could even call Neteyam, that dude was invading their privacy 24/7. Roxto wasn't going to pick up a new mattress yet, he wanted to go ask Kiri to join him when the Tulkun return.

When Roxto had left, Neteyam climbed into Iri's cot. Siri'tri made space for him and they both lay on their backs looking at the ceiling. Neteyam tried to grab Siri'tri's hand but she pulled it away when she started to talk motioning with her hands. "The Tulkun are supposed to arrive today, I cannot wait to see my spirit brother. He's so cool and he always tells me about his trips around the world. I wish I could explore things more!" She explained with strong emotion in her voice. Neteyam knew how passionate Iri was about wanting to travel. He knew that he would show her the forest sometime in the future.

"Wait- I know that there's a name to this celebration, Tsireya tried to teach us but I didn't listen because you were there." Neteyam trailed off tracing circles on Iri's hip. "Do not blame your lack of memory on me." She scoffed.

"How could I not? When you're around you're all I see." He laughed now stroking her hip and playing with the band of her loincloth. Iri knew what he was trying to do and laughed. "If all you see is me, I promise you that you're missing out on a lot of things." Neteyam only rolled his eyes and pulled her face into a kiss. "Liar-" He breathed out in between kisses. "I am many things but never a liar." She laughed. Neteyam kissed her harder. " Yeah, whatever just kiss me back."

"That I can do." Iri smiled and started making out with him. He bit her lip and Siri'tri let out a little moan. "Oh come on Neteyam you know what you're doing." He slid his tongue into her mouth and she let him. "You know too."He moaned back when she sucked on his top lip. "Mhm?" She cupped his cheeks and put her leg around his waist. Neteyam put his other hand on her back and pulled her on top of him. The kisses started to get longer and deeper as they started to melt into one. They were both panting and probably running out of oxygen by now, yet still, their need for each other only grew. Neteyam was about to untie Siri'tri's beaded chest plate when all of a sudden, a horn blew. Siri'tri practically launched herself out of the cot and Neteyam hit his head on the roof of the cot when he tried to get up. He was frowning because Siri'tri had jumped out right when things had started to heat up.

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