Chapter twenty-five; Worth it

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If you want to listen to a song while reading, I suggest that during the first "POV" change, play "On the sea" by Beach house :)


A boat after boat, Neteyam, and Iri took them down effortlessly. They didn't have to speak to communicate, one look was always enough. In those moments Siri'tri's love for him only kept growing.

"Oh, the things I would do for you Neteyam." She thought as he returned to Kostja's back and kissed her on the cheek. Their moment was disturbed when the Demon ship launched forward and they saw Tuk, Lo'ak, and Tsireya hanging onto the railing. When had they gotten there? "Oh for fuck's sake why is Tuk there!" Siri'tri covered her mouth in horror. "We have to get them out right now." Neteyam didn't take his eyes off the ship. "Yeah let's go." Siri'tri agreed telling Kostja to dive in.

As they were speeding down the sea while dodging all kinds of debris and corpses, Siri'tri was hit in the face with a hand that flew into the water. It smacked her right on the nose and she had to stop for a second because her nose started bleeding. "What the hell!" She exclaimed when they reached the surface pinching her nose. Neteyam looked at the arm that was now floating in the water next to a man's body.
"Payakan apparently dealt with that one too."'He shrugged and Siri'tri gagged looking at the bloody arm. "Oh great mother! Let's just continue." There was chaos everywhere and Metkayina warriors kept fighting against the sky people. Earlier they had seen how Payakan had jumped on top of the demonship killing many enemies.

Siri'tri was constantly thinking about her brother and mother. She hoped that Su'vi had found Roxto somewhere. She just wanted to get over this whole ordeal so that she could just be with her family as one for the first time in a long time. She had forgiven her mother the second she had met her on that boat earlier. Siri'tri saw how genuine her mother was and the fact that she had come here was solid proof that she had learned her lesson. "I'm so going to cook for us tonight." Iri smiled to herself but Neteyam snapped her out of her daydream.

"There!" Neteyam pointed to the ship and where they would climb up. Siri'tri nodded her head and spoke to her Tsurak.  "Kostja go find mom and Roxto, protect mom, and get them home."

"Of course, just get out alive will ya ?" 

 Siri'tri promised him and steered Kostja making him jump high in the air. Neteyam and Iri hopped off of him and clung to the ship. They climbed up on the deck where the trio was stuck. "Are you okay?" Neteyam turned to her and wiped the blood off her upper lip. "Yeah let's just get this done." She assured him and took her knife from its shield.

"Neteyam!" Tuk exclaimed when she saw her brother approaching. "Oh, Iri you can't believe what has happened!" Tsireya cried out still trying to rip out of the bondages. "Shh calm down. I'm gonna get you out." Siri'tri shushed her and cut Reya's ties while Neteyam did the same to Tuk. "Do you need help baby brother?" Neteyam teased as Lo'ak was still tied up. Tuk crashed into Siri'tri and she hugged her. "Oh, Tuktuk I'm sorry that you have such dumb siblings that take you everywhere." Iri cooed. "Don't worry I am used to it." Tuk laughed.

Neteyam crouched next to Lo'ak and started cutting his ties. "So who's the mighty warrior? Come on say it!" Neteyam laughed, and Lo'ak gave him a look. "Bro!" Lo'ak laughed. Siri'tri put Tuk down and turned to Tsireya. "Reya, I need you to get Tuktirey far away from here. Find my mother if you can, she will help." Tsireya grabbed Tuk's hand nodding. "Okay now go!" Siri tapped Tuk's back and they left.

Lo'ak was now free and Neteyam grabbed Siri'tri's hand ready to jump off the ship. "Come on let's go!" He shouted at Lo'ak but he didn't budge. "They have Spider we've gotta get him!" He insisted. "The monkey boy?" Siri'tri asked. Why was he here? Neteyam nodded at Iri's comment and looked around frustrated. The ship was already partially on fire and it was just a matter of time until it would start sinking. "Come on bro we can't leave him!" Lo'ak pleaded. Neteyam hesitated but then turned to Iri. "You go now my love, we will catch up!" He started pushing Siri'tri but she opened her mouth in shock. "Uh-uh not after you just called me that! I'm not going anywhere!" She resisted and started pushing him toward the middle of the ship poking his butt on the way which made Neteyam jump and Lo'ak laugh.

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