Chapter four; "Cocky hm?"

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That photo is just like a little bit of how I've imagined Siri'tri. I still hate it because I'm not good at all with art. This is the first thing I've drawn in like three years so bear with me okay😭 Obviously you're still free to imagine her as you'd like!


"Okay, so who's next?" Siri'tri grimaced when Lo'ak fell off the Ilu. The others were  either laughing or trying not to, but Tsireya tried to turn his attention away from it.

"Don't worry Lo'ak. Being the first one to try brings pressure, you'll get it next time." Tsireya tried to comfort him placing a hand on his shoulders.

"I'll try," Neteyam announced.

Siri'tri turned to look at him for the first time and said. "Confident, I like it! Come on I will instruct you." Siri'tri slid off of Kostja and grabbed Neteyam's arm leading him further away from the others so that she could teach without getting interrupted. Siri'tri made a clicking noise calling for another Ilu. In fact, she hadn't ridden an Ilu in years but it was still easy to teach. 

Neteyam felt butterflies in his stomach, he couldn't explain why he felt that. He knew that he had immediately thought that Siri'tri was beautiful, but he had seen other pretty girls before.

"Siri'tri right?" Neteyam asked trying to make a conversation.

"Oh yeah you're right we haven't even met yet! I'm sorry but please Call me Iri, everyone who's even remotely close to me calls me that." She said a flashed a smile. "And you're neteyam right?"

"Yeah, that's me." He said nervously making his way on top of an Ilu.

Siri'tri showed Neteyam how to make the Tsaheylu. Next, she told Neteyam to lean forward so that the water pressure wouldn't wash him away immediately. He did as she said. After that Iri placed a hand on his thigh, looked into his eyes and stated. "Listen to me now. Make sure you have a good grip, it's like the most important thing to have strong thigh and upper body strength.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I got that covered. Neteyam winked and flashed a try-hard smirk. "Oh my god, what the hell was that face, she's going to think I'm this self centered moron.  Calm down Neteyam, this has always worked before, dad taught you" Neteyam diverted his gaze elsewhere immediately blushing hard.

"Cocky hm? I see... well let's see what you got." Siri'tri simply laughed keeping a confident tone. She patted his thigh feeling it tense up. Neteyam tried to keep his cool seeing that Siri'tri was still looking at him. After that, he quickly told the Ilu to dive and it launched forward diving at full speed.

Even though Neteyam's attempt at being charismatic had failed miserably, Siri'tri still thought it was a little cute."Just a tiny bit though."  Still better flirting than any of the Metkayina guys that had tried to shoot their shots at Siri'tri. "If that's what he even tried to do. Why would he flirt with me, no one sane does. Am I overanalyzing this?"

Ever since Iri was little she had always had a few guys crushing on her. She hated it because it made her feel nauseous for some reason. Yet still, she kept counting every dude, feeling like she earned a point when she got to reject one. It was probably a bad thing to do but still, it raised her ego just a little bit. At least she knew that her appearance wasn't total shit, although without Tsireya she would look like a goblin. Reya was the one always doing her hair and giving Iri different herbs and pastes to make her skin glow.

To justify her thoughts and actions, sometimes the boys were just jealous of her because she was better at physical activities than them. Most of the time the guys pretended to be nice until the rejection. After that, they got pissed and called her stupid insults.

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