Chapter two; A girls trip

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Siri'tri was returning home from a small fishing trip in the evening when she heard a young voice call for her.
She stopped paddling her canoe looking where the voice came from. Soon she met eyes the youngest girl of the Sully family on the beach with her big sister.

"Heyy Siri'trii you were supposed to help us learn your ways but you disappeared so come teach us now!" The little named Tutkirey commanded to her laughing. "Straight the point I respect that." Iri thought. She waved at them and headed towards the beach. Her older sister tried shooing her apologizing for Tuk's behavior but Siri'tri only gestured them to wait a minute with a smile on her face.

She got out of the canoe with the fish she caught hanging on a string. "Kiri and Tutkirey right?" Iri asked jogging towards the girls.

"Yes but you can call me Tuk." Tuk said with a proud smile. Somehow she had already melted Siri'tri's heart even though she wasn't usually fond of children.

"Well hello Tuk! Also call me Iri, nobody says Siri'tri unless it's formal." The girls nodded feeling like they could trust this girl.

"So girls whatcha wanna do?" Iri said raising her arms. "And please anything i'm not excactly thrilled to filee these so please be my guest." Iri said dramatically flailing the fish until one of them accidentally flew out of the string right into a nearby tree.

Tuk giggled and even Kiri smiled. "Oh my god how the hell did that even happen?!" Iri laughed at herself confused and a bit embarrased handing the other fish to Kiri so that she could pick the poor fish from the sand.

"Take us on a tour with you skinny boat!" Tuk said pointing at the canoe. "That would actually be cool. We could look at the fish that are alive and not being abused!" Kiri agreed laughing, already warming up and handing the dead fish back to Siri'tri.

"Alright hop in!" Iri smiled gesturing the girls to follow her to the canoe.

At first Iri taught the girls how to paddle correctly. Then when they got the hang of it she instructred them the way to her family's marui pod. The girls paddled the boat in sync and soon they reached their destination.

Iri told the pair to wait for a second while she would give the fish to her mother.
Su'vi got out of the cot immediately and quickly introduced herself and said hi to the new residents welcoming them to their home anytime. "Your mother is very kind." Kiri said when they continued their journey.

"Yeah I know right! Altough sometimes she's kind of a health hazard forgetting to do things only painting and doing some sorts of calming exercices. Once when me and my little brother Roxto- you met him earlier right?" Kiri and Tuk nodded listening.

"Anyways, we were like two and four years old playing with the sand on the beach. So it was a normal day and our mom was watching us when my dad was hunting. Suddenly she got like extremely inspired and hurried off to paint someting leaving us on the beach. Then unsupervised my little skxawng ass scracthed Roxto in the eye with a seashell. After that he got super mad and we started fighting before falling asleep on the sand. We were there for like three hours before my dad returned from hunting and took us home."

"And your mom was painting the entire time?" Kiri asked thinking how anyone could forget their children for such a long time.

"Oh no, she had lost the inspiration and gone off to do other things forgetting that we were still on the beach. After dad brought us home, Ronal the Tsahik had to treat Roxto's eye for days because it got infected from the scratch. He still has a small scar on his eyelid. Good job little me!" Iri finished her monologue ironically clapping her hands for her younger self.

After that Iri got to hear many stories about the Sullys adventures in the forests of pandora including the latest one where their lives were on the edge. Iri couldn't believe how scraty it must've been especially for Tuk, the child was like eight years old.

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