Chapter nine; Games to impress

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"These waves are incredible." It had now been over two weeks since the Sullys had settled and for the first time since then, Siri'tri had found some time to go surfing. It was early in the morning and the first sun was rising painting the sky pink with white fluffy clouds. She examined the sky calculating how many hours it was until the first eclipse. "Three hours." She thought before gripping her surfboard and running into the water.

Whenever Siri'tri would surf, she promised herself to use it as a tool to calm her. It was surprisingly difficult to just vibe instead of trying to impress anyone. She had the skills to do flips and cool turns but decided to just cruise. She breathed in and out letting all of the things in her life wash away for a moment.

Unaware of her presence, Neteyam was walking on the beach before anyone else had woken up. He and Iri hadn't talked in a few days. He was starting to think she had noticed his behavior and distanced herself. Neteyam tried to brush off those thoughts knowing it wasn't true, he had noticed how when teaching she always spoke to him and when in need of help she was the one to immediately volunteer. But that was it, otherwise, she acted cool, just like with the others. Still, his intuition told him he wasn't completely delusional. "I have to impress her or something. But how, she's so good at everything?" He asked himself. Suddenly he came up with an idea.

Whilst diving through a wave, for a second she closed her eyes, and there it was. His face once again. Ever since the feast, Siri'tri was incapable of resisting the urge to look or even think of Neteyam. It was horrible, she was starting to think that there was something wrong with her. She had never had romantic feelings for anyone before. She simply didn't have time for that. It was nothing like she thought she was better than anyone else, in fact, she felt jealousy every time Tsireya would gush about her present crushes.

For a while, she tried to think nothing of her feelings but last night, he had officially entered her dreams. The worst thing about it was that it had been a well... a different dream. She groaned just thinking about it. Her heartbeat also quivered. Siri'tri decided that she needed to talk to Reya immediately, just to get her mind off of it, so she surfed back to the shore and called for Kostja.

Neteyam saw how Iri appeared from the water with her surfboard, he was surprised to see her and desperately wanted to talk to her but decided against it. He saw how her whole aura seemed nervous, She stood there for a minute before calling for her Tsurak and flew away. "How do you even have one of those come on? Siri'tri you're making this impressing thing very hard"


When she flew back, she dropped off her surfboard at home and was about to dive into the water when she heard her mother call for her. Signaling for Kostja to wait she walked inside to the kitchen and living area. Their Marui pod was quite large for a family of three, with two separate "bedrooms" and a common area. Although there was a story behind it that nobody else except Su'vi and Ronal knew.

"Come here Riri, I have something for you." Su'vi sing sang sitting down on a bean bag. Siri'tri hated the nickname her mother had given her, even Ronal and the other aunties used it. "What is it ?" Iri asked with curiosity in her voice leaning on the entryway to her and Roxto's room and playing with the beads acting as a curtain.

"You know how I despise those raggedy shorts you wear all the time-"

"Mom! They're not raggedy... just worn out." Iri sighed looking down.

"Yeah yeah whatever, the thing is those do nothing for your ass honey! And believe me, you have a good one so you definitely do not want to hide it." Su'vi said getting up and holding a piece of clothing in behind her back.

"You look at my ass? Mom, I have to say that's weird, even coming from you." Siri'tri deadpanned at her mother. Su'vi couldn't help but laugh at that. "You have my humor, I'm so proud of you!" She said clinging to her daughter. She hugged Iri tightly and spoke softly.

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