Chapter thirteen; Wiya!

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Meanings of a few words;

Iknimaya: Within the Metkayina clan, the term iknimaya is an umbrella term for a number of coming-of-age rituals. These include taming a skimwing and various tests with the members' tulkun spirit brother/sister.

Tsahey: Ah hell, oh crap

Wiya: Damn!


"Where is she?" Tonowari questioned Tsireya who
had just woken up.

After Tsireya had left the treehouse last night, she hadn't seen Siri'tri return. She had probably fallen asleep there.

"I'm sure she will be here any second, last night when I saw her, she was already sleeping."

"Very well, I will talk to her later." Tonowari nodded believing his daughter. "Now go, help the Sully children with their breathing more. They are not ready, also bring Ao'nung with you and make sure he behaves." He said before going to help his mate weave.

"Yes, father. I will see you later." Tsireya smiled before jumping into the water and calling for her Ilu.

She made her way to the Sully's Marui pod but was surprised to see Lo'ak and Kiri coming towards her.

"Tsireya! Have you seen Neteyam? We cannot find him anywhere. He didn't come home last night." Kiri asked when she reached Tsireya with her Ilu with Lo'ak beside her.

"Mighty fisherman probably drowned. Ironic huh?" Lo'ak chuckled. Kiri smacked him hard on his arm.

"No way. Could it be?" Tsireya immediately put the two things together. "Neither of them came home last night and right after I told Iri to think about her feelings... I'm a cupid!"

Tsireya didn't want to gossip. After all, it wasn't her business and she had no proof. "No, I haven't seen him. Maybe he went for a walk after last night and fell asleep somewhere. But I'm sure he's fine, Neteyam is smart."

"He really isn't that smart." Lo'ak said rolling his eyes. "He has no game." Kiri nodded.

"Well, I'm sure he will survive but in the meantime, we should go practice breathing some more. What do ya say?" Tsireya laughed awkwardly shooting finger guns. She had learned it from Lo'ak.

Both of the siblings groaned at the idea of more breathing exercises but for different reasons. Kiri thought they were useless and that she would rather be doing something else.

"Iri help, your best friend is boring me to death. I cannot handle one minute more of Lo'ak and her flirting."

Lo'ak on the other hand was afraid that Tsireya would touch his stomach again and he would fold because of it.

"Hey idiots! We will join. You know what they say, I'm the best teacher." Roxto smirked appearing out of nowhere with Ao'nung following. He winked at Kiri.  She looked at him mortified. "In your dreams fishy." She rolled her eyes. 

"Too late, You're already in them." Roxto thought smiling at Kiri. He had the biggest crush on her, he was practically fangirling.

"Yeah yeah let's go." Ao'ung shook his head cringing at Roxto and pulling him further away from Kiri. She mouthed "Thank you." and Ao'nung felt like she wasn't so bad after all. If he apologized and she would forgive him, they could possibly be friends.


It was late in the morning and Siri'tri was in a peaceful state of dreaming. For the first time in eleven years, she didn't have any night terrors of her father's death or trouble falling asleep. She was laying on top of Neteyam who was also deep in sleep with his hands wrapped around her.

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