Chapter nineteen; Flour bag!

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Four Ilus and a Tsurak were diving alongside each other through the reef. They circled around and played with each other. Kostja being a show-off, kept sabotaging Neteyam. Siri'tri tried to scold him but Kostja's attitude was not something that could be fixed, but once they reached the ancestor's cove even he calmed down out of respect.

Siri'tri and Neteyam stayed behind while Tsireya was at the front acting like a tour guide. Roxto and Kiri kept laughing at each other and Tuk would pretend to laugh with them even though she had no idea what they were laughing at.

There were floating boulders and little islands spread around the area. They reminded Neteyam of home. "This is the cove of the ancestors, our most sacred place," Tsireya told with pride in her voice.
"The eclipse is the best time of day to be here." Everyone looked up shielding their eyes from the sun that was disappearing behind Polyphemus, the massive planet taking up a large part of Pandora's sky. As soon as it disappeared it would have been pitch black but thanks to the bioluminescent glow erupting from everything around, including themselves, it was never dark.

Siri'tri was the first one to dive in with everybody else following. She held Tuk's hand when they swam closer to the soft lilac light near them. "This is the spirit tree." Tsireya informed. "Ranteng Utralti-" Siri'tri whispered its name. They dove in and Roxto signed to everyone. "The tree provides oxygen so you can be underwater for a longer time." They all nodded in understanding. The Sully kids were incredibly fast learners with sign language. When Siri'tri had asked Neteyam how it was possible, he couldn't explain but suggested that it may have something to do with the fact of them being bilingual.

They each connected their queues to the big leaves and Siri'tri closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she found herself at the bottom of the sea. There were debris and torn pieces of coral laying still on the seafloor. In front of her lay an enormous rock. Just seeing it made chills go down her spine but she was soon relieved as a familiar figure appeared from behind it.

"Took you long enough!" Tom'aey chuckled hugging his daughter. "Oh great mother, have you outgrown your own mother!" He gasped inspecting Siri'tri who had a wide grin on her face. "Nice to see you too. Haven't aged a day." She remarked.

"Why haven't you visited me for the longest time Riri?" Tom'aye joked with fake hurt in his voice distancing himself and swimming up to sit on top of the rock. Siri'tri followed him and went to sit beside him. "Life has been hectic lately... I passed Iknimaya, became an adult, and met new friends." She rambled on trying to convince him that she was not "not visiting" him on purpose. "Hey hey hey-" He calmed her down. "I know Riri. I know you wouldn't ignore your old man on purpose. I'm glad you are having fun, that's what the teenage years are for." He said reminiscing his own youth with Su'vi, oh how he missed her mate.

Siri'tri looked up at him. "What do you mean you know?" He looked at her daughter as if it was the dumbest question known to man. "I was there of course. Do you think I would miss out on my own daughter's ceremony? Not a chance! Although I'm sorry for scaring you like that."

"It was you?" She stared at him in shock. "I thought I was going insane!" She punched him on the shoulder. "Hey! Flour bag!" He raised a finger and Iri stopped. "I might be dead and feel no pain but I am not a punching bag." He snorted out. "Shoot, I'm sorry." She apologized looking down.

They sat in comfortable silence listening to the distant sounds of other souls and connected Na'vi.
A father and a daughter enjoying each other's presence but also mourning all the moments they had lost throughout all these years. Suddenly the echoes around them grew larger and they heard a girl's voice crying out. Tom'aey closed his eyes for a moment and then looked at his daughter with a melancholic smile. "I think your friends need you."

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