An Unknown Calling

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3 months later:

"I have the rainmaker!" Sakura screamed.

It seems that Sakura is playing ranked matches with Silver, Cynthia, and Ivan.

"Someone help her get to the post!" Silver exclaimed.

"On it!" Ivan responded.

"Why you?!" Sakura complained.

"Just go!"

The stage was Port Mackerel.

The opposing team was slightly in the lead by twenty points.

Ivan ran in front of Sakura, splatting others in his path.

Once they reached towards the enemy's territory, they took the lead.

The other team immediately charged towards Ivan to get to Sakura.

"You're on your own now."

Sakura was confused. "What?"

Ivan sprinted towards the enemy team.

"Don't worry Sakura, I got you!" Cynthia exclaimed, heading in front of her.

The rainmaker's exploding count went to thirty seconds.


Silver was behind everyone, sniping anyone within her range.

While Cynthia and Ivan started to create a path for Sakura to get to the podium, she rushed ahead.

Cynthia then announced. "We'll hold them off! Go!"

Sakura nodded and did so.

She went into her aquatic form, swimming at her full speed.

The path was then created for her to head up on the podium.

Sakura swam up towards it and slammed the rainmaker onto the podium.

"Victory!" They celebrated.

They all shook hands with the other team and congratulated each other.

"I finally made it to S rank!" Sakura cheered.

Cynthia congratulated her. "Awesome!"

Silver was S rank, Cynthia was A+ rank, and Ivan was S+ rank.

"Wait Ivan, how are you at S+ rank?" Cynthia asked him.

Ivan started to sweat a little. "Uhmmm, I guess I can just become a little too chaotic when it comes to ranked matches."

"Oh, speaking of chaotic, have you heard about the final splatfest that's in a few days?" Silver asked as she pulled out a picture out of her pocket.

"I've only done one splatfest before, is it any different to regular ones?" Sakura responded.

"Yes, apparently, it's the splatfest to decide the fate of Inkopolis' future." Said Ivan.

"Well, we better sign up for our teams sooner."

The four of them walked out of the lobby towards the splatfest advertisement.

Silver and Cynthia made their final decision.

"I'm choosing chaos!"

"I'm choosing order!"

Both of them automatically changed into their splatfest tees.

They both stood back a little to let Ivan and Sakura decide.

Ivan put his hand on his forehead and squinted his left eye. (The regular colored one.)

"Are you okay Ivan?" Cynthia asked.

He didn't answer.

Still with his one eye closed, his hand reached towards team chaos and then was selected as his choice.

His other eye then opened, looking confused, he looked down and saw he was wearing a team chaos splatfest tee.

"What was that all about?"

". . ."

"Anyways, Sakura, what are you going to pick?" Silver asked.

Sakura answered, "I don't know yet, maybe I'll decide sometime tonight."


They all started walking back towards the battle lobby.

Sakura suddenly stopped dead in her tracks.

She could hear something going on in her mind.

It sounded like screaming.

Like it was calling to her.

The sound pointed to a strange alleyway.

She started walking towards it, not telling anyone.

Sakura walked down the stairs, starting her journey.

"What do you think we should do now Saku-"

Cynthia noticed that Sakura was missing.

Silver asked both of them, "Where did she go?"

Cynthia shrugged.

Ivan answered, "Oh she went that way towards the alleyway."

Silver and Cynthia both gave Ivan a weird look.

He stared back at them, "What?"

Cynthia sighed and walked towards the alleyway, Silver followed.

Ivan rolled his eyes and followed as well.

Their gear automatically changed to their regular clothing.

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