Possessing Problems

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The five on Team Chaos and Order grouped together again to discuss their plans.

"How will we win this second match if they're overpowering us?" Amari asked.

"I think I have an idea. Amari, you'll switch out with Gabe for this round," Sakura stated.

Amari and Gabe nodded.

"Ivan, can you still use your demonic abilities?" Sakura continued.

"I think we can come up with an agreement for this chaotic event." Ivan responded.

"Good, use it to our advantage." Silver added.

Back with Cynthia and the rest of Team Order.

Something still seemed off about Cynthia.

She was wearing what seemed to be silver colored glasses that had antanas on them.

"Alright, you may stop resisting." She said, pressing what seemed to be a button on her shades.

Ink, Mimi, and Marcus shook their heads side to side.

"Huh? D-did we win?" Ink asked.

"We sure did, thanks to these mind-controlling shades I found." Cynthia responded.

"So our plan worked?" Mimi added.

Cynthia nodded.

"Those really worked huh?" Said Marcus.

"Yep, now for our plan. Marcus, how about you switch out with Comet for this round." Cynthia said.

"Fine by me." Marcus responded.

"Alright, you three will still be mind-controlled for the match, then hopefully we'll win,"

Cynthia put the shades back on.

"Once the battle starts, I'll activate the shades and then you three should be following my plan perfectly." Cynthia said.

"B-but isn't that cheating?" Mimi asked.

"It's not cheating if it's to bring order to a splatfest." Marcus answered.

"O-okay then." Mimi hesitated.

"Alright, we should be able to win no matter what." Cynthia said.

The rest of them nodded their heads in agreement.

They all stood up and made their way back to the lobby.

Once they made it, they then met up with Team Chaos.

Sakura then went up to Cynthia and thoroughly observed her.

"You seem different ever since that last match." Sakura stated.

Cynthia started sweating a little, thinking that Sakura knew about the mind-controlling shades.

Sakura then held her hand out to shake her hand, "May the best team win."

Cynthia shook her hand, "Of course." She responded.

The five made their way inside of the lobby.

Amari and Marcus made their way to the spectator stands.

"Hey Marcus. Is anything wrong with Cynthia today?" She asked him.

Marcus started sweating, "N-no, why would you say that?" He hesitated.

"It's just that, the team seems a little too... orderly." Amari stated.

Marcus didn't say anything in response.

"Alright everyone, the stage is Skipper Pavillion! Many areas for turfing and close combat!" Marina announced.

Cynthia activated the silver antennas, making her teammates under her control.

Both teams were ready until the countdown started.

Everyone chanted, "3..2..1...Go!"

The battle has begun.

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