Planning for the Future

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"Here we are." Mimi said.

"Finally, and we still have time before the splatfest starts!" Silver said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." Sakura stated.

"Splatfest? I have rarely heard about those." Ink said.

"It's like a festival where you choose a team and play turf war matches to help who you're representing." Cynthia explained.

"Wow! So... what's the theme then?" Ink asked.

"Which kind of world would you want to have? Chaos or Order?" Ivan responded.

"And I think that I have made my choice." Sakura said.

Ink thought for a moment, "Me too!"

"Have you registered yet Mimi?" Ivan asked her.

Mimi shook her head 'no' in response.

Once they got to the surface, they all headed over to the voting area.

Sakura and Ink decided first.

Sakura reached her hand over to chaos.

While Ink reached over to order.

As soon as they made their decision, they immediately changed into their splatfest tees.

"I'm honestly surprised you chose chaos, Sakura." Cynthia stated.

Mimi, Comet, then went in front of them and reached towards order and automatically changed as well.

Gabe reached over to chaos and changed.

Mimi then noticed that Ivan was wearing a team chaos t-shirt, "Wait... Ivan, why did you choose chaos?" she asked.

"You know I can be chaotic at times, and 'it' also made me." He answered.

They split up into two groups to determine how many were on each side.

Sakura, Silver, Ivan and Gabe were on team Chaos.

And Cynthia, Mimi, Comet and Ink were on team Order.

"We're surprisingly at an even number." Gabe exclaimed.

"Perfect." Cynthia commented.

All of a sudden, in the distance, was a tall inkling figure with red colored tentacles walking towards them.

Cynthia was the first to turn over to see who it was.

He seemed familiar to her.

"Wait... Marcus?" She said, looking surprised.

"Hmm?" Sakura asked.

Cynthia started running after him and gave him a tight hug.

Marcus returned her hug.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were investigating salmonid culture?" She asked him.

"I wanted to stop by for the splatfest." He answered with no hesitation.

Cynthia let go of him, "Wait, which team did you choose?"


"Okay good, you're with me then. You made the right choice." She said as she started dragging him back towards the others.

"And we are now at an odd number." Silver spoke.

But then behind a kettle that led to Octo Canyon, emerged a female inkling with orange colored tentacles.

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