An Order that must be Contained

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"That was fun!" Silver stated.

"Indeed." Gabe replied.

Sakura and Ivan then stood in silence.

"Are you guys okay?" Amari asked them.

"Is Cynthia cheating with those shades?" Sakura stated.

"They're not regular shades, that's for sure." Ivan said.

"What shades?" Gabe asked.

"We think that Cynthia may be controlling the others with those shades." Sakura answered.

Silver, Gabe, and Amari were in shock, "S-seriously? Her out of all people?!" Silver stammered.

"Alright, we need to find a way to get those off of her. Otherwise this world may fall into the order that will corrupt this world." Ivan exclaimed.

"Right, Amari, switch out with Gabe again." Sakura stated.

The two of them nodded in agreement.

They all then went over their plan.

Back with Cynthia and Team Order.

"Nrrg! How can we beat them now?" Cynthia growled in frustration.

She then turned off the hypnoshades.

"We didn't win, did we?" Mimi asked.

"Sadly, no." Cynthia answered.

"Ivan and Sakura are strong, and we need to take them down." Ink added.

"Agreed, Marcus, please switch back with Comet, I think we did better this way," Cynthia explained.

"Also, Mimi, are there any ways to get Ivan out of his demonic form?" Cynthia asked her.

"There might be." Mimi replied.

Then they discussed their battle plan.

After they had their discussions, the two teams then met up at the battle lobby.

Then their match had begun.

"Alright everyone! This stage is MC Princess Diaries, A special stage made just for this very event." Pearl announced.

"After around a couple of second marks, I'll be dropping down some hyperbombs to assist with each team!" Marina added.

"I remember those!" Ivan exclaimed.

"Perfect! You and Amari can focus on getting those." Sakura stated.

Everyone nodded.

"What are hyperbombs?" Cynthia asked aloud.

"They were used when me and Ivan were defeating the N.I.L.S statue." Mimi answered.

"Alright then, you and Ink can focus on those then." Cynthia explained.

They all nodded in agreement.

Cynthia then activated the hypnoshades.

"3...2...1...GO!" The crowd shouted as the battle began.

Ivan, Amari, Mimi, and Ink quickly ran and turfed to the markings where hyperbombs were being located.

Silver and Sakura nodded to each other as they started turfing each area that Ivan and Amari had missed.

Cynthia rushed ahead while Marcus turfed all that was missed.

Ivan, Amari, Mimi, and Ink came in contact with each other.

Ivan was against Mimi and Amari was against Ink.

Then the first batch of hyperbombs were dropped down.

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