Death and Despair

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Back with Cynthia, Ivan, Silver, and Ink:

The train came to a stop.

"Alright, we're finally here." Ink stated.

They all stood up and followed behind him.

Ivan slowly pulled out a knife from his back pocket.

Cynthia quickly snatched the knife from his hand, "Nope, you're not using this any time soon."

Ivan growled at Cynthia and refrained himself from getting his knife back.

Once Ink scanned his CQ-80 card, the four of them entered.

They saw an injured octarian on the floor, assumed dead.

Cynthia rushed over to him. "He's hurt."

Silver went over to assist, "Good thing Cap'n Cuttlefish taught me to always keep a first aid kit on me,"

Silver opened it up and pulled out a bandage and wrapped it around his bleeding chest.

"There, he should be okay now." She exclaimed.

They all stood silent for a brief moment.

Ivan looked around and saw a weapon on the ground.

He walked over and picked it up. "Maybe this was the weapon that belonged to this Octarian."

Then all of a sudden, the Octarian started making movements.

Cynthia and Silver were startled and immediately moved backwards.

It quickly stood up and backed away from them. "Who are you? Are you here to kill me too?"

They all stood in confusion, "We are not here to harm you, we just saw you and assumed you were injured." Cynthia explained.

"Or even dead." Ivan mumbled.

Cynthia pretended to ignore him.

The octarian settled down a little bit and noticed the bandage around his chest. "So, you are not here to kill me and decided to help... me?"

Cynthia nodded in agreement.

He completely calmed down and introduced himself. "My name's Ga-b3. But, normally others call me Gabe."

Cynthia introduced all of them, "I'm Cynthia, this is Silver, Ivan, and Ink."

They all waved to him except Ivan.

Ink then exclaimed, "We should keep moving, who knows what else might've happened here."

Gabe turned over to Ivan, "Can I have my weapon back?"

Ivan threw the Octo Shot at him as Gabe barely caught it.

They all looked around and saw many dead sanitized octarians.

Ink was a little frightened but seemed used to it.

They continued their way through the area.

Then they all started sprinting to get it over with faster.

"None of the sanitized octarians seem to be alive." Cynthia said.

"Apparently not." Silver responded.

Back with Mitsuki, Comet, and Sakura:

The three of them came to what seemed the end of the area.

Mitsuki went and observed the walls.

Comet and Sakura stood on guard for any intruders.

In the distance, they could hear loud footsteps coming their way.

It was Cynthia, Ivan, Silver, Gabe, and Ink.

"Shoot, how are they here?" Mitsuki asked.

She didn't get an answer.

"Alright, Sakura and Comet, you fight them off, make sure they can't get out of this area. Kill them if you have to." She explained.

The two nodded and went to higher ground.

Mitsuki made her escape and exited the area.

Comet pulled out an Inkbrush.

Sakura and Comet looked at each other, then back towards the others.

Cynthia and the others stopped running.

"Alright, this should be the exit." Said Ink.

"I thought we would find her here. I guess not," Cynthia said, looking disappointed.

They started slowly walking towards the exit.

Comet and Sakura looked at each other as Comet gave Sakura a signal to attack on three.

He held up one finger.

"Well, I guess we have to keep looking." Cynthia continued.

He then held up two fingers.

Ivan started to look around.

He could see something in the not so far distance.

It seemed to be blending in with the trees around them.

He thought he was seeing things.

But realized that they weren't the only alive ones here.

Comet then held up three fingers, signaling to strike.

Ivan then shouted, "Look out!"

Comet was the first to jump down, then used a splashdown to attempt to weaken them.

Sakura then followed and leaped down.

They went in front of them so they couldn't escape.

Cynthia, Silver, and Ink were the only ones hit by Comet's splashdown.

Cynthia landed on Ivan, and Silver and Ink fell on the ground.

Gabe resisted to fall backwards and then helped Ink and Silver up.

"What are they?" Cynthia asked.

"I don't know, but I don't think it's good." Ink answered.

Sakura pulled out her splatana.

Silver then asked, "What kind of weapon is that?"

No one seemed to know the answer.

Ivan and Silver both pulled out a Hero Charger Replica, Gabe had his Octo Shot, and Ink and Cynthia were apparently weaponless.

"Why didn't you bring your weapon?" Ivan asked her.

Cynthia answered him, "I didn't think I would need it."

Ink and Silver stared at the female sanitized octarian.

She seemed familiar to them.

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