Chaos vs Order

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They all stood up from their seats and made their way to the battle lobby and split into their two groups.

It was Sakura, Silver, Ivan, Gabe, and Amari on Team Chaos.

The five huddled together and started discussing their battle plan.

"Alright, which of the four of us is playing first?" Sakura asked.

"I'll sit out first." Gabe said.

Sakura nodded.

"Now, the real discussion. Weapons and specials." Ivan stated.

He then explained his plan in full detail.

It was Cynthia, Ink, Comet, Mimi, and Marcus on Team Order.

They also huddled together to discuss their plan.

"Okay, how about Comet, you sit out in the first round." Cynthia stated.

Comet nodded in agreement to her idea.

"We need to destroy their chaos with our order." Ink said.

"Agreed." Marcus said.

The two groups were in their conversations, discussing their plans.

Once they were finished they all stood up and then walked over to shake hands with each other.

Sakura shook hands with Cynthia, Silver shook hands with Mimi, Ivan shook hands with Ink, Gabe shook hands with Comet, and Amari shook hands with Marcus.

"May the odds be ever in your favor." Sakura told Cynthia.

"Agreed." Cynthia responded.

"Best of luck." Mimi told Silver.

"Yep." Silver responded.

"Good luck, you'll need it." Ivan taunted Ink.

"I don't need luck. But I'll happily take yours." He replied in a sassy tone.

Ivan glared at him in response.

"Battle well." Gabe told Comet.

Comet nodded and smiled.

"Play well." Marcus told Amari.

"You too." She said,

They all stopped shaking each other's hands.

Inkopolis started to become severely crowded with inklings and octolings.

The festival had begun.

All ten of them walked into the lobby to begin their first match.

Gabe and Comet were sitting in the stands provided for the spectators.

Sakura was using her splatana, Silver was using dualie squelchers, Ivan was using his hero charger, and Amari was using her hero shot.

"Still using that prototype huh?" Silver asked Sakura.

"Yep, it is actually really fun to use." She responded.

Cynthia was using her hero dualies, Mimi was using a camo tenta brella, Ink was using a kensa octobrush, and Marcus was using empery duallies.

"You're on the more defensive side I see." Marcus told Mimi.

"Yep, it's very useful on my and others' ends." She responded.

Cynthia kept a straight face and didn't even smile.

She didn't seem like herself.

Team Chaos's ink color was a shiny gold, and Team Order's ink color was a shiny silver.

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