A Sudden Return

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Later, Sakura was taken to a very unusual place.

It looked like a destroyed laboratory.

Once her eyes finally opened, she noticed that someone had tied her up.

She struggled to escape, but it was no use.

Her arms were tied to her waist.

"Ahahahaha, trying to escape." Said a menacing voice.

All Sakura could see of it was its bright, cyan colored eyes.

"Reveal yourself!" She screamed, hoping someone would hear her call for help.

It walked towards her.

Sakura gasped.

It was Professor Mitsuki, but she looked completely different since she last saw her.

She didn't have her general hat, her clothes were a little torn, and she had despair all written in her eyes.

Sakura continued to struggle. "How did you survive? Cynthia told me you got stabbed right through your chest."

"Apparently, an agent found me and quickly recovered me as soon as possible. After the recovery, all I remember is the hatred I've received from this land," She explained.

"They could have just let me die. Once I was free from the experimentation, I killed everyone in my sight, except for the one who saved me. Their life was spared. You will accept the same fate I gave them."

"Them?" Sakura asked.

Mitsuki walked away from Sakura towards a giant cloth.

She tore it away and revealed a giant testing tube filled with sanitization goop.

Mitsuki emptied out the tank, revealing a mere, Inkling lifeform.

They fell to the ground.

The Inkling now had mint green colored skin, and their tentacle color was now blue blended to mint green.

They wore a white mask, black jacket, and dark red colored boots.

"Sakura, meet Comet. My first successful experiment,"

Comet's eyes were as dark as his soul.

His free will was gone, captured by the possession of being sanitized.

Mitsuki went back to Sakura, with Comet following behind.

"Now, time to change this cursed, forsaken land."

She snapped her fingers, Comet charged at Sakura and picked her up.

Sakura shook her body as hard as she could, trying to escape.

He then threw her into the testing tube and closed it shut.

Sakura kneeled down to the floor, continuing to struggle.

She bit the rope, then it finally tore.

But it was no use, she banged at the glass, nothing happened.

Mitsuki walked towards a control panel, pressed a couple of buttons, and the tank started to fill up with sanitized ink.

The ink started to go up Sakura's ankles, then quickly up to her waist.

"You think that you've won, just watch your plan crumble." She said, continuing to bang on the glass.

Sakura quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

Mitsuki waved at her as the ink went up to her neck, then it completely drowned her entire body.

Mitsuki let it sit for a couple of seconds, then drained the tank.

Sakura was then revealed and fell down, she stood up and looked at her hands and started tearing her clothing, and put up her tentacles into a side ponytail.

She then walked over to Mitsuki and Comet.

"Perfect," She said as she started walking towards an exit.

"And also, you'll need these."

Comet threw a black mask and a splatana wiper in a hilt at her.

She caught both and stared at the black mask.

It seemed like she remembered something, or someone.

Sakura put on the mask and strapped the splatana to her back.

The black mask reminded her of the one she hated most.


Sakura caught up with Mitsuki and Comet, awaiting directions.

"Alright, first things first, eliminate all remaining lifeforms in the Deepsea Metro."

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