Demonic Destruction

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Sakura and Ink were still running to try and find Cynthia and the others.

"So, you don't remember much about us anymore?" Ink asked her.

Sakura spoke, "Kind of, I remember you and the others. Sort of."

"You seemed to be more aggressive than you were when I met you." Ink said.

"Well, when I became sanitized, all I remembered was the hatred I received from here," Sakura explained.

"But when I saw the hypnoshades about to be placed on you. I-I snapped out of it and started remembering hope."

"That explains why you're now talking to me normally." Ink spoke.

They continued running at each other's pace until they finally made it to the train station and slowed down a little.

They both saw Gabe sitting on the floor, and Ivan leaning against a pole.

Sakura snarled once she saw Ivan there.

Ivan heard something and immediately looked towards where he heard Sakura and Ink.

Ivan then felt a sudden pain in his mis-colored eye.

He put his hands over it and kneeled to the ground.

Gabe immediately heard Ivan fall over and ran over to help him.

Ivan started struggling in place.

Sakura immediately stopped while Ink continued running to assist Gabe.

"Is he okay?" Ink asked.

"I don't know, but I do not think that anything good is coming out of this." Gabe responded.

Ivan started breathing heavily and something started to push out of his back.

It tore the back of his clothing.

It looked like wings.

Demon wings to be more specific.

Gabe and Ink were startled and tripped backwards and fell to the ground.

Ivan's normal colored eye opened as it started turning black and his pupil turned white so it matched the other eye.

Ivan stopped struggling and seemed more calm than he just was.

He took off his mask, threw it to the ground, pushed away his bangs and revealed that both of his eyes were now the same color.

He created a knife out of thin air and magic and charged straight towards Sakura.

Sakura immediately pulled out her splatana and deflected his strike.

Ivan didn't seem like himself anymore.

He grinned as he continued attempting to damage Sakura, but was deflected each time.

Sakura started to sweat a little, trying to focus.

"What the shell happened to him?" Gabe asked.

"I have absolutely no idea." Ink responded.

Ivan slashed towards Sakura's arm.

Her arm started to bleed and felt numb from blood loss.

"Ack. How am I supposed to defeat him now?" Sakura thought to herself.

The demon's eyes and head started to twitch a little as it walked closer and closer to Sakura.

Sakura started backing away as the demon kept on going towards her as well.

She then suddenly tripped backwards and fell to the ground.

Sakura gripped at her arm and felt a very strong feeling of pain.

The demon stepped on her leg and made sure she couldn't move.

He was stronger than her in mostly every way.

Sakura continued struggling and tried striking the demon with her splatana, but the demon grabbed it and knocked it away from her reach.

The demon went up to her and paused and was about to strike her but then paused for a moment.

He dropped the knife and covered his ears and started struggling in place.

Sakura stood up and quickly backed away before she was further harmed.

The demon then continued to struggle and kneeled to the ground.

Sakura heard something coming towards them.

It was Cynthia, Silver, and Comet.

A tall, female octoling with a sky blue blended into yellow ink color was with them too.

"Ivan! This octoling says that she knows you!" Cynthia screamed.

The female octoling tried to ignore her.

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