What Remains

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Once Cynthia, Silver, and Ivan made their way back to the train station, it seemed that a train was coming towards them.

Once the train came to a stop, a male octoling walked out.

He wore a gas mask, null armor replica, and null boots replica.

His tentacles were the same color as a sanitized octarian, but his skin and eyes were normal.

"I wonder what an octoling is doing down here?" Silver asked.

Ivan started sprinting towards him and tackled him to the ground.

"You should be dead." Ivan said as he pulled out a knife.

"IVAN!" Cynthia ran after him and pushed him out of the way.

Cynthia restrained him before Ivan killed the octarian.

"I'm so sorry, let me help you." Cynthia held out her hand to help him stand up.

"Well, it's not the first time someone has tried to kill me." He exclaimed.

Cynthia went back towards Ivan, "Ivan, what the heck is wrong with you?"

Ivan then explained, "That is a sanitized octarian, they shouldn't be here."

"I usually don't see any other lifeforms here. So, any reason why you three are here?" He asked them.

"Now that you mention it, we're actually looking for a female octoling with purple glasses named Sakura, have you seen her in this area?"

He thought to himself, "Hmmmm, is it really her?"

"No, I have not, but I can help you find her. I am 10,009. But, you can call me Ink."

Cynthia introduced them, "Well, nice to meet you Ink. My name is Cynthia, this is Silver, and that's Ivan."

Ink nodded to each of them as they boarded the train.

Cynthia had to restrain Ivan from attacking Ink while they were sitting inside.

Silver broke the silence, "So, where are we heading first?"

Ink pulled up a map from his CQ-80, "I think we should first head to A05: Fake Plastic Station, most lifeforms head down there first."

Back with Mitsuki, Comet, and Sakura:

Mitsuki led the two of them. "Alright, to start eliminating remaining lifeforms, we must start in area A05,"

Comet and Sakura nodded in agreement.

"I'll start locating their exact positions, you two start eliminating ones that are currently in sight."

Once she left the two of them, they split up to find the lifeforms.

Sakura made her way to the beginning of the area.

She saw no lifeforms in the distance, until she found a purple haired male octarian soldier laying on the floor.

Sakura assumed he was dead, but then he made a sudden movement, startling her instantly.

He picked up his Octo shot near him.

He had the normal octarian soldier gear, including the octoling shades.

Sakura remembered all the octarian soldiers that bullied and rejected her in her childhood.

She didn't make any sudden movements and slowly pulled out her splatana from her back.

He heard Sakura's footsteps coming towards him.

She striked for a direct hit, but was blocked by his weapon.

They stared at each other's eyes.

He grinned and pushed up against her, making her unbalanced and almost making her fall over.

Sakura thrusted her body towards him and knocked him over.

She stepped on his hand, getting his weapon out of his grasp and knocked it out of his way.

He continued to try and knock her back, but was deflected each time.

Sakura made a cut on his body, making him bleed at his chest.

He then fainted due to blood loss.

Sakura assumed he then perished and left to continue her search for any others.

After about an hour of murdering sanitized octarians, Comet and Sakura both met up at the exit of a disassembled laboratory where Mitsuki was.

Mitsuki exited the destroyed building.

"What's your body count?"

Comet showed two and three with his fingers.

"Twenty-three?" She asked.

He nodded.

Mitsuki pointed at Sakura.

She showed one and two with her fingers.


Sakura nodded.

Comet gave her a thumbs up.

Mitsuki sighed, "You two don't talk much don't you?"

They both said nothing.

"Alright, C'mon, the next location awaits us."

The two followed behind.

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