Unknowing Occurrences

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I siren then went off, signaling one minute was left.

A pink spotlight then appeared in the middle of the stage.

"Alright everyone, we have a surprise for this match! It's a voice to end all voices!" Pearl announced as she slowly descended from the spotlight.

Sakura then hurriedly rushed to get to the middle.

"No you don't!" Cynthia yelled as she ran after her.

Ivan then shot beside Cynthia and landed in front of her as Sakura made no hesitation to get to the middle.

Ivan's wings then deformed as he smirked, "Heh... Now to finish this." Ivan said to her.

Cynthia snarled and started attacking Ivan instead.

As Sakura made it to the middle, she was greeted by Pearl, "Hey girl. Ready for this?" She asked Sakura.

Sakura nodded.

Special Weapon! Princess Cannon!

A Killer Wail appeared before Sakura and Pearl as it was decorated with Pearl's accessories.

"Woah." Sakura was amazed.

"Direct it where you need it." Pearl instructed.

Sakura nodded and directed it towards Team Order's base and fired.

Pearl then let out a loud yell as the Princess Cannon fired at the enemy's base.




Mimi, Marcus and Ink were splatted.

Once the Princess cannon was done, Pearl waved at Sakura and Sakura waved back.

"C'mon Sakura! We gotta turf!" Amari yelled at her.

"Yep! I'm going!" Sakura replied as her, Amari, and Silver rapidly turfed.

Cynthia and Ivan were still going at each other as the seconds counted down.

Ink, Mimi, and Marcus then respawned and ran towards Amari, Silver, and Sakura who were invading their base.

"Fifteen seconds remain. It looks like Team Order may be accepting their defeat." Marina announced.

Cynthia and Ivan then started panting.

The two were going after each other the whole minute.

"I... I won't surrender to... you." Cynthia said to him.

"Neither will I." Ivan replied.

The crowd chanted down the seconds. Starting from ten."

Ivan and Cynthia continued to battle.

Ivan then charged towards Cynthia as she dodged and fired at him.

He flew aside and fired back.

The two of them kept on fighting.

Until they were suddenly stopped.

The match had ended.

Judd held the flags behind his back.

"What's the result Judd?" Pearl asked.

Judd then held out a gold colored flag, signaling that Team Chaos had won.

Team Chaos had cheered with joy with their victory.

Cynthia then walked over to Sakura, "Great job." She congratulated her.

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