High Betrayal

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Sakura continued running and running until she eventually found where Mitsuki was.

"Well it's about time you came back," She said,

Sakura eventually stopped and hauled over the white bag.

Mitsuki was confused, "What is this?"

Sakura emptied out the bag and Ink fell right out of it.

He felt very dizzy and came out of his aquatic form.

"Oh gosh, what happened?" He asked.

Mitsuki was surprised. "An alive sanitized octarian, but doesn't seem to be fully sanitized," She observed.

Ink was frightened.

"He'll do fine for the invasion." Mitsuki continued.

"The what?" Ink asked.

"That is none of your business." She interrupted.

Mitsuki went towards a control panel and started programming some kind of code into it.

Sakura tied up Ink's wrists behind his back.

"I won't struggle." He said to Sakura.

She ignored him.

He just sat there calmly on the floor.

"I don't think I would be able to fully sanitize you. Sadly," Mitsuki spoke.

Ink sighed in relief.

"But, I think I have a way to take away your freedom." She reached into a bag and pulled out what seemed to be hypnoshades.

"Oh no." Ink thought.

He stood up and tried to run, but Sakura grabbed his wrists.

Ink tried struggling even more, but Sakura was stronger than him.

Ink tightly closed his eyes and Mitsuki walked towards him and was about to place the hypnoshades on him.

Sakura squinted her eyes, she didn't want Ink in that struggle, to have him hypnotized by the thing that caused Sakura's misery.

She quickly let go of Ink's wrists, and kicked away the hypnoshades from Mitsuki's hands and tackled her to the ground.

Sakura quickly made sure Mitsuki was weakened for just enough time to get them to escape.

She quickly grabbed Ink and started running with him out of the area.

Ink opened his eyes again and was utterly confused.

Sakura betrayed Mitsuki because of him?

"You... didn't let me get hypnotized?" Ink asked.

Sakura looked away from him and started slowing down.

She started breathing heavily and took off her mask to get more air.

They stood silent for a couple of seconds.

"We should find Cynthia and the others." Ink exclaimed to her.

But Sakura wasn't so sure about Ink's plan.

She untied him and both of them started running towards the train station.

Back with Cynthia and the others:

"We lost Ink?" Cynthia asked.

"Apparently Sakura took him while she escaped." Silver explained.

While they continued walking, Ivan put his hand over where his mis-colored eye is.

When they eventually made it back to the train station, Gabe stopped dragging Comet.

And Comet just sat there, not even struggling.

Cynthia was pacing back and forth, "How are we supposed to get Ink back? He could be dead!"

Cynthia sat on the ground with a disappointed look on her face.

Comet was next to her tried to say something to her, but nothing came out of him.

"Don't do anything to her!" Ivan threatened.

Comet tried to ignore him and tried to comfort Cynthia.

"Get away from me." Cynthia commanded.

He obeyed and backed away quickly.

"We should look for them." Silver suggested.

Cynthia wiped her tears and then quickly stood back up and sniffled, "Yeah,"

She got herself together and said confidently, "Alright, Gabe and Ivan, you two stay here and see if by any chance Ink comes back. Me and Silver will search around in the area."

"But what about him?" Ivan asked, hinting at Comet.

"Hmmm... Silver and I will take Comet with us." She declared.

Ivan and Silver were confused, "Are you sure about this?" He asked.

Cynthia nodded.

Comet looked at her and was also confused.

Cynthia grabbed Comet by his hands behind him and got Comet to stand up.

"You better not make me regret this." Cynthia said as she untied Comet's hands.

Comet looked at his hands and went over to Cynthia and bowed at her, promising her his respect and protection.

Cynthia smiled at Comet and was a little flustered.

Silver threw Comet's Inkbrush at him as he caught it with one hand.

Cynthia signaled Silver and Comet to follow her as they made their way down an unknown path.

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