Chapter 1: Arrival

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It was a gorgeous day on the island. The sun was shining brightly and the water was calm. There was a slight breeze in the air, blowing just enough air to cool you down in the heat. Children were running around on the beaches, chasing after one another. It was a beautiful sight.

My sister, Tsireya, and I were in the water when we noticed something odd was in the sky. As I focused my vision more, I noticed that there were five Ikran coming close to our island.

"That's odd," I thought. "They aren't supposed to come this far to us."

"This can't be good," Tsireya said, making her way to the shore. I followed close behind her.

When we arrived at the dock, I could see six Na'vi standing there. They looked different than we did. They were a medium shade of blue with darker markings while we had greener skin with more watery stripes. They had yellow eyes while we had blue ones. Their tails were long and thin while ours were broad and paddle-shaped. They were from the jungle region.

Tsireya and I walked out of the water and made our way over to the people. We stood on opposite sides of Ao'nung, our older brother.

Our parents Tonowari and Ronal had approached the taller Na'vi, who I assumed was the family's father judging by the fact that he was holding the smallest Na'vi.

"I see you, Tonowari," the taller Na'vi had stated to my father.

"I see you, Jake Sully. What brings you here?" My father questioned, surprised to see him here.

I had heard many stories about Jake Sully and his battle against the sky people. He had led the Omatikaya clan to victory against them.

"My family and I need somewhere to stay. We are not safe at our old home," Jake said, presenting his family to us.

I looked to see there were two girls, two boys, and a woman who I assumed was Jake's mate.

The youngest girl appeared to be a little frightened and hid in Jake's arms. She was small and had short hair. The older girl was around my height and also had short hair like the younger one. She appeared to be a little uncomfortable.

I then moved my eyes to the older boys. One was a little shorter than the other. Both boys appeared to be just as awkward as their sister.

"You would like to stay here? This place is much different than what you're used to. You will not be useful here," my father stated, hesitant.

"Please sir we will try our best to help here. We will do anything you would like us to," Jake pleaded.

Just as he had finished my mother walked over to them and started to inspect them.

"I see you Ronal," they all said in unison.

I could see the disapproval on her face. I had seen that face many times before. This wasn't going to go well.

"They are different than us. Their tails are thin, not good for swimming in the water. Their arms are meant for climbing trees, not paddling," she said inspecting each of the children. It wasn't until she got to the younger son that she stopped.

"They aren't even real Na'vi," she said, holding up his hand. Everyone gasped at the sight of his hand. He had five fingers instead of four like all of us. The boy looked away ashamed. I felt bad for him. My mother can be quite harsh towards people, especially strangers.

"Wait wait look. Look!" Jake held up his hand to show this his hands were similar to his sons. "We can adapt just like I did. I was different at one point but now I'm like you. I adapted so we can do it again."

I could see that the family was worried that we were going to turn them away.

"Father. Look at them. They clearly need a place to go and we have more than enough for them to do around here. We can teach them," I whispered to him. I know that he is an understanding man at times.

He looked over at my mother who eventually gave him a slow nod. He sighed and looked at the family.

"Alright. It has been decided. You will stay with us. You will learn our ways," he paused and turned to the tribe. "They will need to learn from us. They will be like babies so we must show them how to manage here so they will not have the burden of being useless."

A huge smile appeared on all of their faces as they thanked my mother and father greatly.

"Great now we have to babysit," Ao'nung mumbled under his breath. I elbowed him in the side.

"Owe," he looked at me and glared.

"You be nice. You had to learn at one point and if I remember correctly you struggled when it came to learning how to ride an Ilu," I said raising an eyebrow.

He rolled his eyes, deciding to keep quiet for now.

"My daughters Y/n and Tsireya will show you where you'll be staying," my father stated, presenting us to them.

"Of course. Follow us," Tsireya said, helping them gather their things.

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