Chapter 11: The Feast

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As the night grew closer, so did the feast.

I had spent the past few hours helping set up for the event. Not too long after I showed up, Tsireya arrived to help out as well. Together we helped set up decorations and set the tables. The women didn't need help with the cooking since it was almost done. We tried our best without getting in the way. The Metkayina women can be scary when they're mad.

Finally, after our work was complete, it was time to start the feast.

We had the musicians playing their best songs as the people arrived. The children were running around playing and dancing to the music. The adults were smiling at the sight of everyone gathered together. We were happy.

Tsireya and I were standing together, waiting for a certain family to show up. I could see Tsireya starting to get impatient and started to fidget.

"I'm sure they will arrive soon sister," I said, looking over at her.

"What?" She replied, coming out of her thoughts.

"I assume you're waiting for Lo'ak to show up. I'm sure they will arrive soon. They're probably nervous since this will be the first time they're meeting everyone in our clan."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right."

"I always am," I said, nudging her in the arm.

After a few minutes, I was proven right, the Sully family had finally arrived. Jake was holding Tuk in his arms, while the rest of the family was standing by his side. I could see Lo'ak and Neteyam were looking around. I assume they were looking for Tsireya and I.

Tsireya smiled happily as she walked over to greet them. I was about to do the same when I remembered what my father had said earlier. I need to wait before I speak to Neteyam when more people are here so it's not noticeable. So I looked up and just smiled at the family instead. They all smiled except for Neteyam, who instead looked confused.

"Come here," he mouthed to me.

I shook my head and looked away. It hurt to ignore him but I had to do it for his sake. I just hope he understands.

I looked back up one more time to see that the family had spread out, finding other people to talk to. Neteyam was standing with Lo'ak and Tsireya listening to them talk and occasionally giving me glances.

"Why are you ignoring my brother?" I turned around and saw Kiri standing there.

"I'm not ignoring him," I replied.

"Yes, you are. Your sister came to greet us and you didn't. He also told you to come over to us and you refused. So what's going on?"

"It's complicated."

"I'm sure I can keep up."

"My father is forbidding me to talk to Neteyam because Omocan told him about how close he and I were getting to each other. So that's why. I'm not ignoring him because I want to. Besides, I'm going to talk to him later on when everyone is distracted."

"You better because he's upset right now. He's trying to hide it but he's not doing a very good job."

I looked over at Neteyam who was sitting with Tsireya, Lo'ak, Ao'nung, and Roxto. He had his legs crossed and his head was resting on his hand. He was looking at them but appeared to not be listening at all.

"Just come with me over to them. It won't look as obvious because all of us will be in a group. Your father can't be mad at you if that's the case," Kiri said, grabbing my hand and leading me over to the group.

We walked over to the group and sat down together, the group all giving me an odd look.

"There you are. I was confused when you hadn't come over to greet them yet," Tsireya said.

"Yeah I was just taking in the moment," I responded.

They didn't look convinced but they decided to ignore it. Except for Ao'nung and Tsireya.

"Come with us," Ao'nung said, grabbing my arm, and pulling me off of the ground. Man, I'm really getting tired of being dragged everywhere.

"What is wrong with you? You have been quiet and distant since the feast started," Tsireya said.

I may as well tell them at this point. They're my siblings and I've kept them in the loop so far.

"Father isn't allowing me to see Neteyam anymore because Omocan saw Neteyam and I fooling around on the beach and told him. He believes that I'm going to fall in love with Neteyam and choose him instead of Omocan," I explained.

"I knew there had to be a reason you weren't talking to him. It's upsetting him in case you haven't noticed," Tsireya said. "I can understand how he would think that you'd fall in love with him. You seem to like him more and more every day."

She was right. As much as I wanted to deny it, I couldn't. I was falling for Neteyam. Hard.

"So that's why I've been distant. I don't want father to see us together and freak out," I told them.

"Allow me to handle this," Ao'nung said. "Father will listen to me. I am the favorite after all."

He wasn't lying. Father did always seem to like Ao'nung more than Tsireya and I. I think it's because he's his only son and he's the oldest.

Ao'nung straightened himself out and made his way over to our father. There was no stopping him at this point. When he wants something, he'll do whatever it takes to get it.

"Let's go back to the group. They're all sitting together, even Jake and Neytiri are sitting with them now. Come on," Tsireya said, beckoning me to come with her.

I followed as we walked over to where the family was gathered together. Tsireya sat next to Lo'ak and the only other open spot was next to Neteyam. Well, let's hope Ao'nung is a good talker because this is going to look really bad if he sees us.

As I sat down next to Neteyam, he looked over and realized who was sitting next to him. I could see his eyes light up a little as a small smile crept up on his face. I returned the smile.

"So you're not avoiding me?" He said.

"Listen Neteyam, I know things look bad but I promise I have an explanation for it," I whispered to him.

"So I've heard. Lo'ak, Kiri, and your sister have all said that to me. I would love to know what they all know since they won't tell me."

"You're just going to have to wait." I saw Ao'nung walk away from my father and my father didn't look too happy. "Now is not a good time."

"And why is that?"

"Y/n! Come here!" My father called to me. He and my mother were both standing together.

"I have to go," I said, putting a hand on top of Neteyam's before standing up. "I promise I'll explain everything."

I gave him one last look before making my way over to my parents. Let's hope I don't get my ass chewed out. 

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