Chapter 4: Introductions

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"That's where the children go when the parents need to hunt or gather materials, that's where my mom heals injured Na'vi, oh and that's my hut," I said, pointing out all of the important locations.

"There's so much to remember," he said, looking around.

"You'll remember it all quickly I promise."

"Well if you promise then it has to be true." He gave me a friendly smile.

We walked around a little more and I showed him more areas that he would want to remember like where we eat and where we have meetings if necessary.

"We're going to show you how to ride an Ilu tomorrow. They're a necessity around here if you want to travel around the area," I said while walking next to him.

"I can't wait. I just hope I don't embarrass myself in front of you."

"You won't. And even if you mess up, that's okay you're still learning."

We continued walking until something, more like someone, stopped us in our tracks.

"Omocan, how can I help you?" I said with a blank face.

"Your father sent me to come to get you. Who's this?" He said, glaring at Neteyam.

"Not that it matters to you but this is Neteyam. He's one of the new Na'vi joining us," I said, crossing my arms.

Omocan continued to glare at Neteyam and, when I looked at Neteyam, he was returning a similar glare.

"Alright, Omocan enough. Neteyam, I need to go see what my father needs. I'll catch up with you later okay?" I said, patting his back.

He finally snapped away from death staring at Omocan and looked down at me. "Yeah, I'll see you later."

I turned away from him and we went in opposite directions, Omocan following behind me.

"Why are you following me? I thought you were just the messenger," I said, picking up the pace away from him.

"This conversation requires both of us," he said, catching up.

"What?" I questioned as we walked into my hut.

"Y/N! Omocan! Just the Na'vi I needed to see," my father said as we made our way in. "Come. Sit down."

I looked around and I saw my mother sitting next to my father. They appeared to be happier than usual which was odd. Sitting on the opposite side of my father, was Omocan's parents.

"What's... going on?" I said hesitantly while sitting down.

"It has been discussed between your mother and I that you are getting to the age where you need to find a mate. Since you are the daughter of the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik, we have taken it upon ourselves to pick out the perfect mate for you," my father stated.

My eyes went wide as I realized what was going on. "No. No. Not happening," I said standing up.

"Y/n please don't make this difficult," my mother stated. "It has already been decided."

"And what if I don't want to mate with this shxawng?" I said, pointing at Omocan. I was getting angry. "I am not going to be with someone like him. I refuse."

"You are our oldest daughter and you are getting of age. This is going to happen. Maybe not right now, but it will eventually," my father stated. I could tell he was starting to get frustrated with my behavior. "I'm sorry about my daughter. This is going to work out I promise," he said to Omocan's parents.

"You're funny," I said, pointing at all of them before storming out of the hut.

They can't be serious, can they?

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