Chapter 25: The Aftermath

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After the whole event with Quaritch, Jake, Neteyam, and I made our way back to the island and the Metkayina clan. I was so happy to see everyone in my family was safe and okay. Each of them had a few cuts and bruises, but I was just happy to see them alive. Tsireya and Ao'nung ran up to me and held me close. I groaned at the sudden impact on my wound but this was worth it.

"We need to fix you up," Tsireya said, taking my hand in hers.

We began to make our way over to my mother's hut so she could heal me when Neteyam ran up behind us.

"I want to come with you. I know your mother doesn't like me too much but I'd like to be there with you if that's okay," he said walking on the other side of me.

"I don't mind," I responded with a smile.

Tsireya, Ao'nung, Neteyam, and I continued walking until we finally reached the entrance to the medical hut. I was slightly nervous to see her because they didn't know that I was kidnapped, shot, and kidnapped again. It wasn't going to go well with them.

We walked in and my mother was already treating someone. A lot of people had gotten injured after the battle so I can see why everyone would need her help. Luckily, she had some helpers to fix the minor injuries.

"Mother, Y/n needs your attention," Tsireya stated.

"Were you injured in the battle? I thought you made it back safely after you were freed," Mother stated while finishing up with the other Na'vi.

"She was shot, mother, by one of the sky people. She needs help treating it before it gets infected," Ao'nung explained.

"Come. lay down," Mother said dully.

I walked over and laid down so my wound was facing her. She began to examine it and scoffed when she saw how bad it was.

"How did this happen?" She questioned.

"I was helping the Sully family in the battle. The sky people needed to be stopped," I responded.

She scoffed again and began to clean out the wound. I closed my eyes and hissed at the sudden wave of pain. Neteyam quickly walked over and held my hand so I could squeeze it. My mother looked back and forth between us and kept her eyes on Neteyam before looking back down at my wound.

"Why are you here boy?" She asked.

"I wanted to be here with her ma'am. She stayed by my side during the battle. It's only fair that I continued to stay with her when she needs me," he answered.

A "hmm" came from her as she continued to work. Neteyam stayed right where he was and continued to hold my hand. Every time my mother did something to cause more pain, he held my hand tight while I squeezed it hard. It probably felt uncomfortable for him but he was too stubborn to leave.

After a moment, she finally stopped and looked at the work she had done.

"You need to be more careful for the next few days. It won't heal right away but it wasn't too serious. I expect you to take good care of it," she stated.

"Yes mother," I said, sitting up.

"Now go on. I have other people to attend to," she said, shooing us off.

I love my mother but man she can be scary. I know that she cares in her own way and just wants to keep us safe. She and Neytiri have that in common.

Each of us stood up and made our way out of the hut. Neteyam was walking close next to me, making sure that I didn't stumble from the pain I felt minutes before. We all walked down the path before my father and Jake stopped us.

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