Chapter 21: Pain

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Neteyam began to look over my body, his eyes shifting left and right quickly.

"No no no," Neteyam mumbled under his breath.

I held onto my side as I began to struggle to stay above water.

"Go on without me," I said as I kept falling under the water. Water kept going into my mouth as I tried to breathe easier.

"Not going to happen," Neteyam said as he lifted me onto the Ilu with the others. He climbed on and we made our way over to a nearby rock. The others carefully pulled me out of the water and laid me down on my back.

"You're going to be okay," Neteyam stated as he began to look me over.

Jake and Neytiri joined us on the rock not too long after. The position I was in and the others faces immediately concerned them.

"Dad she's been shot," Lo'ak said.

Jake kneeled down next to me and noticed where I had been shot. He gently lifted me up to see if the bullet had gone through me or if it stayed inside.

"Well, the good news is that the bullet didn't go through her. It's still inside of her," Jake said. I could tell he was trying to think of what to do next.

"So all we have to do... is pull it out right?" I asked as I breathed heavily.

"Yes but I don't know how we'd be able to do it without causing you a lot of pain," Jake responded.

An idea formed in my head.

"Lo'ak give me your knife," I demanded.

He didn't even ask questions as he handed me his knife.

"What do you think you're doing?" Neteyam said as he furrowed his brows.

Without answering him, I used the knife to cut a piece of cloth off of Neteyam's bottoms.

"Here's what you're going to do. I'm going to stuff this cloth into my mouth so I have something to bite down on and you're going to use either your hands or this knife to pull this bullet out of me. I don't care how bad it hurts. I want it out now," I stated to all of them. "Now who's pulling this thing out of me?"

"I'll do it," Neytiri said as she walked closer to me. She kneeled down and looked at me with a caring face. As much as she scared me sometimes, I knew that she had a caring heart when it came to younger Na'vi.

"You can't be serious? Y/n this could kill you," Neteyam said frantically. He was leaning over me and I could see the tears forming in his eyes. I lifted my head up and caressed his face.

"We're doing this whether you like it or not Net," I said to him. A tear fell down his face as he blinked. He took my hand from his face and gently kissed it. He finally nodded.

"Alright. Neteyam, I need you to hold one of Y/n's hands and, Tsireya, I need you to hold the other one. She's going to need something to hold on to. I'm going to hold down her legs so she doesn't kick anyone or move too much. Y/n, this is going to hurt like a bitch so be ready. We're going to try to make this as painless as possible," Jake stated to all of us.

I put the cloth in my mouth and bit down on it gently.

"Ready?" Jake asked, holding both of my legs down. Neyetam and Tsireya were on either side of me, holding my hands. Lo'ak and Spider were standing back making sure not to be in the way. Neytiri was at my side, ready with the knife.

I gave a quick nod to everyone.

"Alright let's do this," Jake stated.

Neytiri immediately began to use the end of the knife to try to dig the bullet out. I felt a huge surge of pain shoot through my body. I bit down on the cloth as hard as possible and squeezed Tsireya and Neteyam's hands to the point where it was probably painful for them. I let out a muffled scream as my body tried to move away but there was no use because Jake had me pinned down.

"It's okay honey It's okay," Neteyam said, using both of his hands to hold onto mine.

The tears began to stream down my face. This was the worst pain I had ever felt in my entire life. I tried to close my eyes and think about something else but that wasn't working. I had to deal with it. This was what I wanted.

After what felt like several minutes, Neytiri slowly pulled the bullet out and held it up.

"This little thing causes so much pain to so many people," she stated as she set it down on the rock.

My breathing began to slow down as the pain slowly went down. The sweat was dripping down my face and my muscles began to relax. I closed my eyes and tried to relax.

"Man that hurt like a bitch," I said after taking the cloth out of my mouth.

"How do you feel?" Neteyam asked. My hand was still resting in his hand. His thumb was gently rubbing back and forth across the top of my hand.

"I've felt better," I responded. I slowly sat up and a sharp pain shot through my body. I hissed and closed my eyes.

"Hey just relax okay?"

I looked around to see everyone looked exhausted from fighting and running from the sky people. I looked over at Jake whose face slowly fell when he heard someone speaking through his earpiece. He slowly turned and looked at Neteyam and Lo'ak.

"Where's your sisters?" He asked coldly.

Everyone looked around at each other and realized that Tuk and Kiri were nowhere to be found.

"I-I don't know. We were so caught up in everything that I didn't see them," Neteyam said.

"Your sisters... where are they?!" He said louder this time.

"On the ship!" Tsireya said loudly. "They're on the ship."

She began to cry. I knew that she was afraid that something had happened to them. She cared about them just as much as she did for Ao'nung and I.

"Come on. I know the way," Spider said, standing up.

"You stay here with Y/n. All of you," he said sternly.

Spider, Jake, and Neytiri all left and made their way over to the ship.

"I'm not letting them go by themselves. I'm going too," Neteyam said standing up as well. "Lo'ak stay with Y/n. Keep her safe."

He gently placed a kiss on my forehead and called his Ilu to go over to the ship. I slowly began to stand up after he was out of sight. I placed my hand on my wound to make sure no blood was escaping. Shockingly, the small bullet wound had a lot of blood coming out of my body earlier.

"What are you doing?" Tsireya said. "You need to rest."

"I'm going after them. I want to help in any way possible considering I'm the reason everyone was distracted and now Tuk and Kiri are being held hostage," I responded.

"Oh, no you are not. Neteyam said to stay here with you," Lo'ak said.

"Lo'ak we both know you want to be over there as well. If we both go, they'll have two more people to help them. We don't know what that man could do to them."

"What about me?" Tsireya chimed in.

"Tsireya, sister, I love you but you're a gentle flower. You couldn't hurt anything even if you wanted to," I responded. "Now Lo'ak are you coming with me or not?"

I could see him look over at Tsireya and the ocean around us. It was dark at this point and the stars lit up the night sky around us. He let out a groan and then mumbled "fine."

He called his Ilu over and climbed on, holding out his hand so I could have support while getting on.

"My brother is going to kill me for this," Lo'ak said.

"Let's go," I stated as I pointed forward. "Tsireya stay here until we get back. It won't be long I promise."

"Please stay safe!" She called out.

I nodded my head and we were off.

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