Act Two, Scene Two

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"𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚢 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏"
𝟷𝟸𝟾 𝙰𝙲 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚍 𝙺𝚎𝚎𝚙


     The man himself groaned sleepily from his place across his bed, his sheets covering anything the girl didn't wish to see. It was quite fortunately, seeing as Vaella hadn't knocked before she barged into the boy's chambers.

     He lifted his head from his pillow, looking through his messy strands of hair to where the girl stood at the end of his bed, her face stone cold as she all but glared at him. "Good morrow, sweet sister," He said groggily, dropping his head back down. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your untimely company?"

     "Don't act as if you do not know."

"I truly don't, and I have a feeling you don't know the entirety of it either."

"I know enough from Ser Arryk. You remember the man posted outside your door, right?"

Aegon let out another groan, finally pushing himself off the mattress into a sitting position, looking at his good-sister between fallen strands of hair. "Then explain to me why you are here and not my adoring mother." The word was laced with sarcasm as he spoke it, eye resting expectantly on the girl.

"Listen to me, Aegon," When she spoke, her voice was stern and her hardened gaze unfaltering. "I get that you hold no love for your lady wife, but that does not give you the right to flaunt it about as you please. What if the serving girl had ran to anyone else besides the queen herself? If she had told the townsfolk?"

"You say that as if they don't already know about my sexual escapades."

"Word spreads fast. News would spread from Dorne to the Wall within the matter or a fortnight, I have no doubt. Think of the slander that would befall our house."

     He didn't respond, looking blankly at the girl before him. This caused the girl to sigh, looking down as she clasped onto one of his hands, pulling it into her lap as she looked at the boy once more.

     "I care about you, Aegon. Truly, I do." Her voice was full of sincerity, the tone causing the boy's hard gaze to soften slightly. "But you cannot keep flaunting yourself about like this. There are measures the council has been taking for you, and there is only so much we can do to keep your reputation clean."

     And just like that, his softened gaze was gone. All anyone ever cared about was him becoming king. Though Vaella didn't explicitly say the words, he knew what she was referring to.

     The boy pulled his hand out of her clutches, letting it fall onto the silk sheet. "Thank you for the lesson, dear sister." With that said, the boy turned away and buried himself back into his pillows.

She let out a sigh at his actions, her eyes softening slightly. "I love you, Aegon, I do; you are my brother. So, please...don't destroy yourself like this." The boy didn't respond.

     Knowing he wasn't going to listen to her any longer the girl turned and made her way towards the door. She didn't get too far before it burst open again, an angered Alicent rushing towards the bed where her son laid.

     "Get up." She called sternly, her eyes locked on the prince, who didn't move an inch at her tone. "Aegon." Still no movement. "Get up!" She hollered this time, snatching the thin sheet away from his bare body.

      He let out a groan, reaching over to cover himself once move as he lifted his head. "Mother. What is it?" The boy rolled over, pressing his face against his pillow as he tried to fall back asleep.

     "'What is it? What is it? What is it?'. That's all you can say for yourself?"

"Has something happened?"

Vaella let out a sigh, shaking her head at the elder boy's words before she turned on her heel, exiting the room before the unavoidable wrath of Alicent ensues. The guard outside nodded to her politely, muttering a greeting under his breath, which she responded to with a titled smile.

    Knowing that there wouldn't be time to meet with the prince and princess of Dragonstone like she had initially planned to, the girl made her way to the training yard, having agreed to watching her husband train. She was sure the queen would understand her absence and could handle the Targaryens on her own.

     The cool breeze felt refreshing against her skin as she made her was outdoors, the stone stairs turning into the dampened down dirt of the yard. A small circle had already formed around what she could only assume was the prince dueling with Ser Criston.

Sure enough, as she pushed her way past a few people, she could see her husband's white hair billowing around him like a halo as he dodged any hits coming from the knight. A small smile came to her face as she melts her eyes on the young man, admiring the way she could see his muscles moving beneath his leather tunic.

Too caught up in a daze, she didn't realize that the duel had finished until applause rang out around her, causing her to blink a few times. Her husband was bent down on a knee, the tip of his sword placed just over the heart of Ser Criston, whose hands were raised in surrender.

The girl, too, applauded with a proud smirk on her face. As if he felt her eyes in him, Aemond turned his gaze towards his wife, a small smile of his own lifting to his lips. Mumbling soft words to the knight, he made his way over to her.

"Well struck, valzȳrys," She said before the man leaned forwards, pressing a gentle kiss on her pink lips. Butterflies swarmed her stomach at the gesture.

      He pulled away much too quickly for the girl's liking. "Thank you, my love." He said softly, leading the girl over to a nearby crate, gesturing her to have a seat. "Have they arrived, yet?"

     Vaella didn't need any further indication of who her husband was referring to. Instead, she let out a soft hum as she lowered herself down onto the wood. "I believe mother is greeting them now."

     Like her, the boy hummed. His eyes lifted from his wife's face as he scanned the yard, noticing an all too familiar pair of boys across the yard. His body stiffened, catching the attention of the girl before him.

     Following his gaze, the Targaryen girl instantly recognized who it was that made him so tense. Despite the years that had passed, maturing out the features of the boys, she would recognize Jacaerys and Lucerys anywhere.

     She didn't keep her eyes on them long, turning back and placing a gentle hand on Aemond's chest, causing his eyes to flicker back to her. Her signature smirk was displayed on her face.

     "Why don't you give our guests a little demonstration?" She said suggestively, her head nodding in the direction of Ser Criston. "Show them the enemy they created."

     A similar smirk to her own raised on the boy's lips. "I like the way you think, ābrazȳrys."


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ᴀʀᴇ sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ᴊᴜsᴛ "ʜᴜsʙᴀɴᴅ" ᴀɴᴅ "ᴡɪғᴇ"

ᴀʟsᴏ, ɪᴍ ʙᴀᴄᴋ (:


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