Act Two, Scene Ten

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"𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖"
𝟷𝟸𝟾 𝙰𝙲 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚍 𝙺𝚎𝚎𝚙

THE PAIR WERE SILENT AS they made their way back to their shared chambers, each wrapped up in their own thoughts to make conversation. It was only when the door to their room came into view that the girl pulled on Aemond's arm, turning his attention towards her as they slowed to a halt.

"I am going to visit the king," She said softly, her eyes lifting up to meet his. "His condition seemed worse at dinner; I just want to see how he is feeling."

A small smile tilted at the Targaryen boy's lips, his hand reaching up to rest on his wife's jaw. "I love your big heart." He said softly before bringing her into a gentle kiss. It only lasted a mere moment before he was pulling away, pressing another one to her forehead. "I'll have us a bath drawn. Do not be too long, my love."

Vaella smiled at him, nodding, before the couple split ways. Her heels echoed off the walls as she made her way to the king and queen's chambers, trying to hurry as to catch the man before he went to sleep.

She could hear his groaning before she even entered the room, causing her worry to grow as she gently lifted her hand and knocked. Seconds passed before the door opened, revealing a disheveled looking Alicent.

"Oh," She breathed out, opening the door wider. "Vaella, dear, come in." The queen stepped aside and allowed the girl to enter. "I've just given him milk of the poppy to ease some of his pain."

The younger girl entered wearily, the pained sounds the man making growing louder the closer she had gotten to the bed. He was laying with his eyes closed, heavy breaths causing his chest to heave. It pained the girl to see him this way, but she knew it would be over soon.

His time was near. She could feel it.

"Your Grace?" Vaella spoke softly, lowering herself down to sit on the edge of the bed beside him. She could hear Alicent approaching, standing just over her daughter's shoulder in case her king needed her.

His eye opened momentarily, looking at the girl before he let out a sigh and closed it again. "My girl..." He said shakily. "You wanted to know...if I believe it to be true."

Her brows furrowed, quickly looking back at Alicent. The queen, however, looked equally as puzzled. "He must believe you are Rhaenyra," She whispered softly to the girl before turning to her husband. "Believe what to be true, my king?"

"Don't you remember?" He wheezed out again. "Aegon..."

"Your son?" Vaella questioned, not understanding what he was saying.

"His dream. The Song of Ice...and Fi-" Viserys' words were cut short as he ran out of air, taking in a few big breaths before speaking once again. His voice was strained, as if he was battling the pain to speak. "It is true. What he saw in the North...The Prince That Was Promised."

"I...." The Targaryen girl once again shared a glance with the woman beside her, trying to piece together the king's words. Her light eyes turned back to him. "I don't understand, Your Grace."

"The Prince."

Alicent took a small step forward, as if trying to hear his words better. "Prince Aegon?"

"To unite the realm against the cold...and the dark." He paused, wheezing. "It is you. You are the one."

Vaella was taken aback by what he had been saying. She wasn't quite sure to make of it. None of it truly made any sense. What dream was he talking about? What is the cold and the dark? It seemed there was more to it that they were missing. More than meets the eye.

"You must do this. You must do this."

That was the last words the king spoke before he turned away, letting out heavy breaths. The girl turned her eyes when she noticed Alicent move away, her eyes in disbelief as she looked at her husband. Letting out a breath, she moved over, blowing out the candle beside his bed.

Slowly, she turned her attention back to her husband. "I understand, my king." Her eyes trailed over to her good-daughter. "Come. We should let him rest."

Vaella nodded, sparing the king one last glance before rising from the bed and following the woman out of the room. They paused in front of the door, each trying to make sense of what they had just heard.

"What was he saying?" The girl questioned. "Talking about a dream and..." She trailed off, not sure what to say.

There was only a moment of silence before Alicent let out a shaky breath. "I think...he wants Aegon to sit on the throne after he is gone."

Thinking over the words, she could see where the queen had gotten that idea. But there were more that he was saying that did not add up. He had spoke of The Song of Ice and Fire, but what was it? Was it this dream that he had been talking about?

"Get some rest, my sweet," The queen's voice shook Vaella out of her thoughts, causing her to turn and meet the slightly tearful expression of her mother. "We will speak more of it in the morning."

The girl nodded slowly, bidding a quick goodnight to the woman before turning and making her way back towards her chambers. Her mind was spinning, mulling over every little word that had left the king's mouth. But one thought stuck in front of all the others.

Vaella did not believe that he was saying for her cousin Aegon to be king.


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