Act Two, Scene Fifteen

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𝟷𝟸𝟾 𝙰𝙲 - 𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚆𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚜

          THE GIRL COULD HARDLY SEE from the wind and rain whipping her face. Meraxes screeched beneath her, no doubt the cold getting to her, too. The girl's eyes scanned the skies furiously, looking for any sign of the two boys and their dragons.

      Lifting her hand, Vaella furiously wiped away the water from her face, her white hair slicking back as she did so. She had no idea how far she had gone, but she knew that Storm's End was far behind her—the storm seemed to loom on and on.

     Night had surely fallen by now, the dark clouds making it hard to see in front of her. It would be near impossible to find the Targaryen boy now. Sighing, the girl took one last look around her surroundings.

     "Go home, girl," She called to her dragon. "Back to King's Landing."

     Meraxes screeched in response, naturally veering to the side, as if knowing where to go by heart, even in the middle of the storm. The girl let out another sigh, laying her head down on the saddle.

     She knew it was going to be hard to find Aemond after he had gone, but she at least thought she would hear his dragon somewhere in the sky; it was silent aside from the rolling thunder and stinging winds.

     Vaella lifted her head, feeling an unease in her stomach. Her eyes narrowed ahead of her, seeing nothing except a black sky in front of her. She could not shake the feeling, despite nothing seeming to be amiss. Just as she was about to turn her head, a shape emerged ahead of her. Her mouth flew open in shock, ready to holler out a command to the she-dragon. It was too little too late.

     Meraxes jerked to the side, her left side clipping the edge of the cliff. The creature whined loudly—her wing had gotten wedged between her and the rocks upon impact. The princess shouted out, looking furiously around her as she noticed her dragon free-falling downwards.

     "Fly, Meraxes!" She cried desperately. "Please, Meraxes, higher!"

     The dragon seemed to hear her as she attempted to use her wing, whining again as pain shot through it. Vaella's eyes widened as she saw the water getting closer, the waves choppy from the storm.


     Another jerk was felt as the creature tried to fly once again, seeming to gain enough strength to get herself up, but it did not matter. The rain had drenched through the girl, covering both her and her saddle in water.

     The reigns slipped from her fingers, and she felt nothing else except her body falling. The form of her dragon got further and further from her, Meraxes' cries echoing across the sky as she tried to save her princess.

     Vaella reached for something—anything—to catch her fall. But her attempts were futile as her body spun wildly. And when she finally stopped, she was mere feet from the cold, untamed sea.


     The impact was hard, stinging the front of her body like pins and needles. The world around her was cold, chilling her instantly to the bone. Her limbs thrashed in every direction, trying to find the surface of the water, though she had no idea which way it even was; everything around her was blurry.

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