Act Two, Scene Four

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𝟷𝟸𝟾 𝙰𝙲 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚍 𝙺𝚎𝚎𝚙

      SILENT HALLS WERE NOTHING NEW in the Red Keep. Today, however, they held a certain uneasiness. Even as the Targaryen girl walked on the arm of her husband, she felt as if there were eyes watching her from every nook and cranny of the castle.

     Maybe it was the impending fall of the house of the dragon that everyone was blissfully unaware of at this moment in time.

     "You're quiet, my love," Aemond spoke softly, not wanting his word to echo too far off the stone walls. His head tilted slightly to look at her, though she kept her eyes trained forwards. "What is the matter?"

     She sighed, turning to look up at the man beside her. "Something feels off," Her answer was honest, knowing that he would be able to see through her if she had chosen to lie. "I cannot explain it. I just feel like something is going to happen."

     "I'm sure it is just because of the petitions," He told her, reaching his free hand up to rest on hers that was situated in the crook of his arm. "It will be alright."

     Vaella nodded simply as she turned away, looking down the hall once more. She paused in her steps, however, as she saw an all too familiar man making his way towards the couple. It seemed as though her husband saw him as well, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

The man didn't look much different from when the princess saw him last. His features had sunken ever so slightly with his age, but he still looked like the man she remembered; cold, arrogant.

"Prince Daemon," The younger Targaryen man was the one to greet him once he approached, stopped a few feet away. "Welcome back to the capital. I hope your travels went by smoothly."

"They did," He answered in a bored tone, glancing only briefly at the boy before turning back to his daughter. "Vaella."

The girl tilted her chin up slightly, not cowering in front of the man. "Prince Daemon." No one spoke for a moment before she turned to the boy beside her, lowering her voice down despite knowing the prince could still hear them. "Carry on without me. I will join you shortly."

Aemond turned to look at his wife, about to protest to leaving the pair alone. But he saw the stern look in the girl's eyes, with the fire slowly being lit before them, and knew she could hold her own. So, instead, he nodded his head, told his goodbyes, and carried on down the hall.

Once the pair were alone, Daemon sighed softly. "You've grown," He acknowledged, speaking in their native tongue as his eyes scanning the emerald dress that was covering the girl's body. "Do not quite like your wardrobe choices."

"It is quite funny you think you can give your opinion on the matter," The girl addressed his first comment, clasping her hands together in front of her. "Now, I'm sure you didn't seek me out to talk about my dress." He didn't answer, prompting her to speak once more. "What is it you want, Daemon?"

The man hummed, glancing over his shoulder in the direction that the younger prince had gone, before looking back towards her. "You and One-Eye seem to be close as ever."

"As a husband and wife should be."

Daemon's eyes hardened at the girl's words, narrowing ever so slightly. She held her head high and kept the smirk that was trying to show itself off her face. "There was no invitation sent to-"

"As per my request," Her words cause the man to tilt his head, anger slowly clouding over his eyes. "Do you really think I would the father who abandoned me at my wedding? Or his wife, a princess who thinks she can get everything she wants because she is heir to the throne? Or, better yet, her sons, both of whom are bastards that have drawn blood on me and mine?"

     Daemon didn't say anything against her words, much to the princess' surprise. But what was he truly supposed to say? That he was angry at her decision. He didn't care either way; he was just surprised that Viserys didn't have anything to say about his eldest daughter not getting an invite.

"I'm surprised to see who you have become," He stated after a moment of silence passed between the father and daughter. "You have started thinking for yourself. Not using the words of those vipers."

"Those 'vipers' have done a hell of a lot more for me than you ever have." Vaella snapped back, her cold eyes narrowing as the venomous words spilled. "I hope you realize that I don't care about you and yours, just as you don't care about me and mine. So, let's part ways and stop with this insufferable conversation that is leading us nowhere."

The man tilted his head slightly, a small smirk toying at the corner of his lips and stepped to the side, allowing the girl to pass. She, with one last glare to the prince, confidently strode past him.

She merely made it to the end of the hallway before she stopped and turned, seeing Daemon still looking after her. "I am warning you now," Her voice was cold, yet confident as she spoke, her eyes locked on her father by blood alone. "If either of those bastards try anything with my husband...I'll kill them myself."

The man has no time to respond before she was turning once again, her halo of white hair disappearing around the corner, her footsteps fading off into silence.


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