Act Two, Scene Twelve

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"𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚕"
𝟷𝟸𝟾 𝙰𝙲 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗 𝙿𝚒𝚝

     THE SHRILL RING OF THE bells echoed throughout the city, bouncing off stone walls and coming back with an even stronger force. Loud cries and shouts were heard as the carriage made its way through the crowd, holding a few members of the royal family as they were taken to the Dragon Pit. The crowd was held back to allow them to pass through, the hundreds of people moving like waves as the guards let them free after they passed.

     "I do not think I realized how many people were in the city," Vaella commented, looking curiously out of the window of the carriage, her eyes scanning the large sea of people. "It is crazy."

     Her husband looked out the window from beside her. "I suppose it is crazy seeing them pushed into such a small area; it is a big city."

     She turned her head, about to respond when the carriage came to a sudden halt, silently announcing their arrival to the Pit. The door opened a moment later, revealing the grand staircase that led up to the large building. The sun shone off the dark stone, making the Dragon Pit seem even more magnificent than it was to begin with.

     Aemond stepped out first, the crowd that surrounded them cheered loudly, almost shaking the ground beneath him. He paid them no mind as he fixed his shirt before turning and holding his hand out for his wife, who smiled gently at him before taking it, climbing out of the carriage herself. As the sun hit her in just the right way, she looked to be the epitome of a goddess to the Targaryen boy.

     Her platinum hair was pulled up in a braided crown, a few loose strands hanging down to frame her face, clashing violently with the inky fabric she wore. Her black dress was slim fitting, hugging her every curve and making her swollen stomach seem that much bigger. Metal detailing covered her shoulders, the artwork almost resembling that of dragon wings.

     She looked like the true image of a Targaryen princess.

     The boy linked her arm with his, guiding the pair up the stairs and into the dome of the Dragon Pit. It was empty, save for the few members of the royal house that had arrived before them. Helaena stood on her lonesome, fiddling with her hands. Otto spoke quietly with the priest, not meeting the couple's eye as they rose up the steps of the platform.

     It was not long after that the queen arrived with Ser Criston, the woman telling the guards to start ushering the crowds through the doors. Vaella moved to stand beside her sister, giving her a gentle smile before watching the crowd file into the arena.

     She had never seen the Dragon Pit so full, the people of King's Landing filling up every possible inch of space inside, just to be in attendance for the coronation of the new king. To most of them, this was probably the most exciting thing they had ever witnessed; it was a momentous part of history, after all.

     It was only once the crowds had settled did Otto step forwards to address them, seeing as he had been the voice of the king for so long. Curious eyes turned to him as he made his way to the front of the stage.

     "People of King's Landing," His voice boomed off the high walls, catching the attention of all inside. "Today is the saddest of days. Our beloved king, Viserys the Peaceful, is dead."

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