Act Two, Scene Eight

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"𝙰𝚜 𝙸 𝙰𝚖"
𝟷𝟸𝟾 𝙰𝙲 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚍 𝙺𝚎𝚎𝚙

     NIGHT HAD FALLEN OVER KING'S Landing, candlelight flickering in the windows of the castle and casting a beautiful orange glow across Vaella's chambers. The king had called the family to a dinner, meaning that everyone would at least have to pretend to get along, at least for one night.

    That was the hope, at least.

     The girl stood at the end of her bed, bare and unashamed as she studied the two dresses laid out before her. Each was a deep emerald color, which was sure to anger her blood father. The thought alone gladdened her.

     Arms snaked around her waist, pulling her flush against a leather covered chest. A smile graced Vaella's face as she turned her head, seeing her husband resting his chin in her shoulder. His hair was pinned back already, the glistening sapphire that rested in his eye socket on full display.

     "Which one are you thinking, my love?" He asked softly, tilting his head down and peppering the girl's shoulder with soft kisses.

She let out a sigh of content, turning her gaze back to the dresses. "Either one will enrage Daemon, no doubt." The girl said. "One is more revealing, but the other is more..." She turned her head again, looking at her husband. "Slim fitted."

Aemond understood what she was trying to say, a smirk coming to his features. "That would surely make him angry," His hands moved from their position on her waist, resting on the small bump on her stomach. It was, truly, nothing more than the look of bloating in her usual evening dress. But in the tighter fabric, that clung tightly to her skin, it would be more than obvious.

She pressed a kiss to the boy's cheek. "The slimming one it is, then."


     The couple were one of the firsts to arrive, only the queen, Lord Hightower, and Helaena occupying the room, along with the servants that filled the table with delicious smelling foods. It didn't surprise her that Rhaenyra's family had yet to arrive; she no doubt wanted to spend as little time at this affair as she possibly could.

     Alicent looked up as she heard the door open, smiling at the sight of her children. She rose, meeting them as they approached the table. "You look wonderful, my dear," She said, kissing the younger woman on her cheek.

     She smiled back at the queen, pulling away after their short embrace. Alicent eyed her for a moment, her eyes glancing down at her daughter's stomach in question—Vaella merely smiled in response. The woman turned to her son next, giving him the same greeting before leading them both to the table.

     Aemond was placed at the head of the table, with his wife right next to him, seated next to her good sister. The younger of the girls gave the elder a gentle smile, one which Helaena was quick to reciprocate.

It wasn't long of the family sitting there that the others joined them, the last of them being Daemon, who's gaze was fixated on the couple at the end as he made his way to his chair. His blood daughter matched his glare with one of her own.

A hand on her thigh caught her attention, causing her to turn and look at her husband, seeing his eye staring at the Targaryen man with a small smirk plastered across his lips. She placed her hand on top of his, resulting in him giving a light squeeze to her leg.

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