Act Two, Scene Fourteen

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"𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎"
𝟷𝟸𝟾 𝙰𝙲 - 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖'𝚜 𝙴𝚗𝚍

     SHE HAD NEVER SEEN AS dreary of a place as Storm's End. The sky was muddled with clouds upon their arrival, no doubt announcing an approaching storm. Even the castle itself, with its pale gray stone walls and looming tower seemed ominous and dark.

     How Vaella pitied the Baratheons for ending up in such a place.

     True to his word, the Targaryen prince had convinced his brother to let the girl travel by ship rather than by dragonback, though the giant creature was guarding her every step of the way. Not to mention, she also had the protection of her husband, who—while leaving hours after she did—had flown overhead, keeping an eye on the ship below.

     The wood creaked beneath her as she stepped onto the dock, smelling the salty sea air, the scent filled slightly by the smell of the incoming rain. She could feel the slickness of moss under her shoe, causing the girl to quickly lift her dress skirt to avoid ruining the fabric.

Aemond was waiting for her when she arrived at the end of the dock, his hands folded behind his back. He was not facing her, instead looking at the looming caste before him. In the distance, she could see their dragons resting outside the stone walls, looking like a symbol of doom.

She sighed, not saying a word as she approached her husband, looping her arm through his. Wind whipped harshly at their platinum hair, messing the strands out of their perfect updos and bringing a chill to the girl's exposed shoulders.

Her dress was simple—a light, charcoal gray with long sleeves made to resemble scales of sorts that hugged her body—though made her look intimidating and powerful nonetheless. Just as the boy beside her did, in his plain black leathers and sword at his waist.

"I would hate to be a Baratheon," The male Targaryen spoke, beginning their walk up to the fortress. A singular guard followed a few paces behind them; with the protection of both the dragons and Aemond's combat skills, there was not a need for more.

     She nodded at his words. "As would I," She stated as they began to climb the stairs carved into the side of a cliff, leading them up to the main courtyard. "I could not imagine finding the clouds and constant rain enjoyable."

    The boy beside her hummed in acknowledgment, but neither said anything more as they passed under the archway into the open courtyard. A small group of guards were posted outside the main door, one in the front taking a step forward at their approach.

     "Lord Borros has been expecting your arrival, Your Highnesses," The man spoke in a gruff voice. "If you would follow me, he is waiting for you in the Round Hall."

Without another word, the guard turned on his heel, leading the two royals through the doors. The inside of the castle was just as dreary as the exterior, the walls seeming to weep with moisture, running down in little drops along the stone. Their footsteps echoed around them, giving it as sense of emptiness that did not sit right with the princess.

The large doors were opened before them, revealing the Round Hall in all its glory. A soft light came in through the small windows, allowing the couple to see the group that waited for them. Lord Borros was a burly man, sitting upright as in his chair, as if trying to appear intimidating. Though, his hardened look was nothing compared to the Targaryen's.

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