Act Two, Scene Five

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𝟷𝟸𝟾 𝙰𝙲 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚍 𝙺𝚎𝚎𝚙

"I JUST DO NOT UNDERSTAND who that man thinks he is."

Hidden behind the large wooden doors of her chambers, Vaella paced back and forth, the frustration clear in her tone, having just recounted the conversation between her and the prince. Her husband's eyes followed her as she moved back and forth, the book in his lap wide open, yet forgotten about once the girl had entered the room.

The entire situation had left the princess fuming, that much was clear in the way her hair was a mess atop of her, a look that had come about from how many times as ran her slender fingers through the white locks.

"You need to take a breath, ābrazȳrys." He said softly, finally closing the book and resting it on the table beside him. Aemond's hand reached out and clasped her own as she passed him causing her steps to halt.

     Her eyes turned to his, any frustration she had left slowly going away the longer she looked at the man before her. His eye patch had been discarded somewhere, leaving the blue gem that sat in the socket to glisten in the light.

     "Stop thinking about it," He cooed, pulling her towards him until she stood between his legs, his hands moving to hold her hips as hers moved instinctively to rest on his shoulders. "You will only work yourself up even further."

     Vaella let out a long sigh. "You are right," She said after a moment's pause. "I know you are it's just that Daemon is-"

     Interrupting her words was a hand on the back of her neck, pulling her down until a pair of lips crashed against her own. Despite the uncomfortable position, the girl couldn't help but let out a sigh as she felt her body relax. She kissed his back, pulling him ever so closer to her.

As their lips moulded together, Vaella couldn't help but remember the words that had been spoken to her yesterday. Ones that would alter the course of her entire future, and ones that she had yet to utter to her husband. Given the girl's sickly state and the tight fit of her dresses as of late, they had suspected, but the maester had just confirmed the thoughts they had only shared in secret.

She pulled back slowly as the boy tried to escalate things, keeping her eyes shut as he looked at her curiously. There was worry evident on her features, the source of it unknown to him.

"Vae?" He spoke softly, his hands moving back to her waist, rubbing softly against the fabric of her dress. "Is everything alright?" She was silent still, her eyes closed and brows furrowed. "If you do not want to continue, we don't have to. I just thought that-"

"It is not that."

Her voice was barely above a whisper. It had been years since Aemond had seen her this vulnerable, not since the night they learned of Laena Velaryon's passing. Not even when the girl's face had been mutilated and his eyes removed.

     It worried him to no end.

     "Then, what is it, my love?" He spoke softly, not wanting to frighten the girl before him. Not that he ever could, but her demeanor was making him, too, nervous.

     Mumbled words tumbled from her pink lips, her eyes pressed shut as she breathed shakily. The white haired boy could only pull her closer, wishing to bring her comfort.


     Vaella slowly opened her lilac eyes, meeting those of her husband's through long lashes. Her heart was beating uncontrollably, causing her to take a deep breath yo steady herself before she spoke once more.

     "I'm with child, Aemond." She paused for a moment. "I spoke with the maester and he confirmed what we had already suspected."

     His body froze, his good eye scanning her face to show any sign that the girl had been messing with him. But all he saw was the girl's nervous look gauging for his reaction. And, seeing as he hadn't spoken a word, she swallowed the lump that had built up in her throat.

     "Are you angry with me?"

     The words seemed to break him out of his trance, causing him to let out an airy breath. "Angry with you?" He shook his head slightly, a bemused smile slowly spreading across his lips. "How could I ever be angry with you?"

It all went away when she saw his smile. All her worry, her doubts. Everything. Vaella couldn't even recall why she had been so scared to tell the boy in the first place, seeing the joy on his face at the news.

A soft chuckle fell from the man's lips as he looked away from her, pulling her closer to press his forehead against her stomach. The action alone had her heart swelling, her hand coming up to comb through his hair.

"How far along are you?" Aemond questioned, glancing up at the girl before him, adoration swirling in his eye. "Did he tell you?"

The girl smiled. "He believes I just passed the sixth moon." A breathy laugh followed her words before she spoke again. "Maester Mellos believes they may just be a small babe, seeing as I have not grown much."

The boy smiled brightly, shaking his head slightly in disbelief as he once again pressed his head to his wife's belly, his hands cupping the bump that was much more noticeable after finding out their child was there.

"You are everything to me, little one," The ancient language rolled off his tongue effortlessly, his eyes closed as he focused on them. His family. "I will protect you with everything I have. You and your mother both."

Aemond tilted his head up, eye locking onto the ones of the woman he loved more than anything. Even to this day, he couldn't understand what he did right in the world to deserve her.

"I promise."


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