Chapter 13.

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I got up off bed and walked to the door and opened it, I walked to the living room and saw my brother. He was laughing with River, I didn't want to tell him but he'll find out soon and it's better if he found out by me, not someone else. I took a deep breath, walking over to Connor, I smiled to River and grabbed my brothers wrist taking him. I get to my bedroom and walked in, I closed the door, looking at him.

"What's wrong?" He frowns, looking at me.

"There's something I haven't told you" I said, I clenched my hands, my brother growls.

"And what is that?" He says through gritted teeth, his eyes glare at me.

"You know that time when we got taken by the rogues.." I breathed shakily, looking at my brother, he nods.

"Well the leader guy took me away from you and he.. He.." The tears filled my eyes and my body started to tremble, my brother goes closer to me and hugs me.

"Hey please don't cry tell me what happened what did he do..?" My brother rubs my back, I wiped my tears.

"He raped me Connor" I felt my brothers body stiffen, he growls, backing away from me, I narrowed my eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier Alice!" He growls, punching the wall leaving a hole, I screamed, covering my head with my arms.

I was scared, the tears rolled down my cheeks, River bursts through the door. I ran over to him, hiding my head in his chest, he wraps his arms around me.

"What's going on?!" River snaps, glaring at my brother.

"It's none of your business River!" Connor snaps back, anger filling his eyes, his body trembling.

"Stop it Connor you're scaring Alice!" River growls holding me tighter, I gripped his shirt.

"Alice why.. Why didn't you tell me?" He says calming down a little, his fist was covered in blood.

"Because I was scared Connor I didn't know how you would react.. And how you would take it, I thought you were gonna blame yourself for it and you would do something stupid" I cried, looking at Connor, gripping Rivers shirt tighter.

"I'm sorry Alice.. I know I can do stupid things but it's me.. And I have you to look after me" He narrows his eyes and lowers his head.

"I know Connor but its just I don't want you to hurt yourself" I narrowed my eyes, I looked up too River and smiled, I leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks River" He smiles, his cheeks a little red with embarrassment, I giggled.

"Connor.." Connor lifts his head up, walking over to me and he tries to smile.

"I love you Connor" I smiled, he smiles and hugs me tight, River leaves us alone.

I heard Connor sob, I looked at him and he had tears running down his face, this is the first time I've ever seen him cry, his emotions must have been overwhelming. I hugged him tight, he takes a deep breath, wiping his tears away, he gives me a weak smile. He walks out of my room and walks to his, closing the door behind him. I sighed, going to the bed and laying down on it, River walks in and sits beside me. I smiled, I need to ask him something, I need to know why I'm attracted to him and for some reason, I feel like I've known him from somewhere.

"River can I ask you something" I sat up, looking into his eyes, he smiles and nods his head.

"Have we met before its just I feel attracted to you somehow" I asked, feeling a little confused.

"Well we have met before.. Remember the little boy you would always go meet at the river everyday" He looks at me, I nodded my head.

"Well that little boy was me.. Anyway I never found my mate it turns out she was in your pack and that you know you guys got attacked and so I never got to see her.. But before the pack was attacked you'd always come to see me, you looked after me and you loved me.. So one day I asked you out and you said yes we had a great time together and we spent so much time together, we got really close" He takes a quick break, That explains why I felt so close to him.

"But when you came to see me, your parents found us and took you away and I never got to see you again.. I went to the river where we first met everyday and waited for you too come back.. But even though I knew you'd never come back, I still waited and came to the river. That's when I saw you in ages, I remembered your scent and you were getting chased by that rogue that day.." I was shocked, I can't believe it was River and he waited for me that long..

"Alice I know it's too late but.. I still love you Alice and I know deep down you still have feelings for me and I understand you're with Adam and we may never get a chance together but I just wanted you to know that and I want to stay friends with you"

"Wow River.. I never realized, of course we can still be friends and River I do love you too but my feelings for Adam is so much stronger I'm sorry" I narrowed my eyes, he shakes his head in protest and hugs me.

"It's fine and I'm glad we can be friends" He hugs me tighter, I smiled, hugging him back.

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