Chapter 17.

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Alice P.O.V

What am I gonna do.. I can't tell Adam what happened.. Rivers been acting like a creep lately and Connor has been more distant than usual. I missed how things were, before everything that happened.. I missed my family.. Friends.. Life.. Everything.. I just want it back.

"Adam I'm going to have a rest for a bit" I let him go, looking at him, he narrows his eyes and nods.

I walked to my room and laid on my bed, I cuddled my knees to my chest. I heard the door creek open and I saw Connor walk in, he sits beside me, I sat up.

"What's wrong Alice" He says calmly.. Looking at me, full concern.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.. I didn't want him to know but he's the only one I can trust.

"You know exactly what I mean" He frowns, becoming very serious.

"Connor I can't tell you.. If Adam finds out he'll hate me and then he will I don't know..." Connor pulls me to a hug, I gripped his shirt.

"Alice what do you mean if Adam finds out..? What's been happening?" He asks holding me tight.

"When I was in heat.. I.. I.. I slept with River" I stuttered, my brother growls, I let him go, looking into his angry eyes.

"Dammit Alice! Why didn't you tell me I could have made sure no boys got in your room!" My brother growls, he shuts his eyes, taking deep breaths to calm himself.

"I'm sorry" I cried, looking at him, Connor shakes his head, getting up and walking out of my room, I hear his door slam.

"Is everything alright..?" I growled, I threw my pillow at the door and jumped out of bed.

"Piss off!" I snapped, knowing who it was, he walks in, making me more angry.

"That's no way to treat someone you decided to sleep with" He smirks, walking closer to me, ok it's official River is a total creep.

"Don't take a step closer to me River!" I snapped, taking a step back, he comes closer to me.

"Or what?" He smirks, taking another step closer, I growled, slapping him hard across his face.

I hear him growl, he snaps his eyes to me and pins me to a wall, I growled, trying to break free of his grip.

"River let me go!" I growled, he chuckles, his face only a few inches away from mine.

"But Alice you know you want me" He purrs at me, I wanted to scream, but something was stopping me.

I see Adam, my eyes widen, the tears streaming down my face, Adam growls, walking over to us. Adam punches River in the face and throws him out the room, Adam slams the door and grabs my wrists. He pins me to the bed and growls at me, pure anger in his eyes.

"Alice!! Why! Why did you do it! How could you!" He growls, he had small tears going down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Adam! I'm sorry..." I looked away from him, he growls, letting me go.

"Alice.. How could you do this to me..! After all we've been through and you do this..!" He narrows his eyes and sniffles, I wanted to hug him, but it was the wrong time.

"Adam I was in heat! And you weren't there I should have told my brother so he could guard me, I know! And I'm so sorry please" I pleaded, he glares at me and gets off my bed.

"I think it's best if we didn't date anymore.. Alice.. I need time to think.. I'm going back to my room" He grabs his stuff and walks out of my room and shuts the door.

I cried, my lip trembled and I was hurting.. I felt a sharp aching pain in my chest. I had an empty pit in my stomach, what have I done, I should have told my brother, it was the most simplest thing. Adam dumped me.. He rejected me.. I feel empty.. I need him.. What's going to happen.. I.. I.. love him. I wish I could go back in time and fix things but.. I can't.. I'm lost without him. I sat on my bed, hugging my knees to my chest and letting my tears run down my cheeks, Adam.. My wolf cries for him but she doesn't get an answer.

'Great job Alice, you've lost our mate now' My wolf growls but has a hint of sadness in her voice.

'Shut up' I cried, hiding my face in my knees, I wanted to be left alone.

I woke up, my eyes were sore and all I could see was a blur, I got up, walking to the bathroom. I washed my face, I cried myself to sleep, I don't think, I can carry on.. I grabbed my track pants and tank top, putting them on. I walked into the living room, I saw the guys.. I sighed, lowering my head and walking past them, I really didn't want to see them or even talk. I decided I'd go for a run to town, I grabbed my iPod and put my music on, stuffing my iPod in my pocket. I started to run through the forest and into town, I smiled a little, looking at all the different scenes and the different smells. I continued to run and stopped when I saw Adam a few feet in front of me. He sees me and smiles, I ignored him and turned around racing away, I didn't want to see him! Don't cry.. Don't cry. I ran the other way and turned a corner, I leaned my back on the wall, gasping for air, my heart beat races. I walked to a little cafe shop and sat down on a table, the lady brings me some cold water, I gave her a small smile, taking a sip. I see Riley, he looks at me and smiles, walking over and sitting beside me.

"Hey Alice I haven't seen you in a while I missed you" He smiles, I smiled, he holds my hand in his.

"Hey Riley... I missed you too" Looking at my hand in his, he was so warm, I leaned my head on his shoulder.

Adam P.O.V

I saw Alice.. She was going for a run, I smiled but she turned around racing away from me. I followed her and saw she sat by herself in a cafe, I wanted to join her but.. I was still mad at her for what she did. I didn't mean to reject her, I was angry I didn't want to dump her, I see Riley sit beside her. He takes her hand in his, I growled, watching them, I saw Alice lean her head on his shoulder. Now.. I'm really pissed.

Alice P.O.V

"Riley I need to go home I'll text you later ok?" I let his hand go and stood up, he smiles, nodding his head.

I hugged him goodbye and walked across the road, I wasn't looking at what I was doing. A car came out of nowhere, I looked over frighten, I saw Adam run towards me, he pushes me out the way and he gets hit by the car. I was shocked, my eyes widen and the tears ran down my cheeks, I raced over to him.

"Adam!!! No!!" I cried, pulling his head on my lap nooo! He puts his hand on my cheek, smiling at me.

"I'm sorry Alice.. I didn't mean to hurt you.." His eyes slowly start to close, I shook my head.

"No Adam stay with me please!" I screamed for someone to help me, the driver who hit Adam jumps out, calling the ambulance.

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