Chapter 30.

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"I can see where Adam gets his amazing smile from" I smiled to Adams father sweetly, he chuckles.

"Thank you Alice" He smiles to me, his mum smiles.

"We look forward to seeing our grandchildren when they come" Adams mum giggled, I laughed and nodded my head.

"You can be the first to meet them if you'd like" I smiled, his mum squeaks in excitement and nods her head happily.

"Now now ladies its a bit early to tell if we have twins or if they are boy or girl" Adam smiles, I giggled, I was so happy, I've always wanted children.

School starts in two days, it's going to be my second to last year there, Adam and Connors last year there and well I really don't want to go, people will start judging me, they will know I'm pregnant and call me a skank and whore, I frowned.

"What's wrong babe?" Adam narrows his eyes and hugs me.

"I don't want to go to school" I sighed, Adams looks at me.

"Why?" He kisses my forehead.

"You know what that school is like, they'll bully me" I gripped his shirt, Adam growls.

"They won't step one foot near you, I'll protect you Alice" Adam looks in my eyes and smiles, I smiled and hugged him tight.


I got up and took a warm shower, I got dressed and looked in the mirror, it's not that noticeable for now, I sighed, I put on make-up, packed my things and walked outside. Adam smiles and drives us to school, Connor didn't go to school today because he was sick, I checked on him and gave him mediation, so he should be fine by tomorrow.

"Heyyy fatty" One of the girls said and laughed at me, Adam snarls at her, she backs away.

"She's not fat you little bitch!" He growls angrily and glares at the girl.

"Calm down Adam, it's fine" I smiled sweetly to her and walked off with Adam.

"Hey Alice" Riley and Alicia smile, I smiled.

"Hey guys" I leaned on the lockers, Adam standing next to me, he leaned on the lockers too, his arm over my head.

"Did you gain some weight Alice?" Alicia looks at my stomach, I laughed nervously.

"Yeah, I guess so" I giggled, she smiles, I hugged Riley.

"Thank you for always being there for me, it helped a lot" I smiled to Riley, he smiles and nods his head.

"It's what best friends do" He laughs, I giggled, I turned back to Adam and kissed him.

Well, as you know it's been a few months now and well my stomachs huge!! I took the day off with Adam and we went to the doctors together, we went to get a scan so I could see my babies and know who they were.

~in the scan room~

"Well Alice, you have twins a little baby boy and girl" The doctor smiles, I smiled, Adam grinned, I could sense the happiness from him.

We went home and I sat on the couch next to Adam, he laughs, I looked at him.

"What?" I asked confused, he looks at me.

"I'm so sorry, but I'm thinking because we have a boy and girl, what if our son looks like a girl?" He cracks up laughing, I pouted and punched his arm.

"That's so mean" I said shocked, he laughs and hugs me.

"I know I'm sorry, it's just funny but I'm sure he'll be a handsome man" He smiles, I smiled and nodded my head.

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