Chapter 15. My date (part 2)

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I growled, making him snap his head up and look at me, he locks eyes with me, but he looks back to his father.

"Father I'm sorry but I'm busy tonight with my little Luna we are going on a date so please leave it for another time" He speaks, using his Alpha tone and standing up straight.

"Ok son.. it's great to see you guys together" He smiles and hugs Adam, Adam smiles, playfully punching his dads shoulder.

Adam looks at me and takes me to our bedroom, he spins me around and I giggled. He kisses my lips, wrapping my legs around his torso, he lays me on the bed and kisses down my neck. I moaned as his hot tongue goes up my neck, his hands go down the sides of my body.

"Get dressed for our date tonight little Luna" He whispers in my ear, I smiled and gripped his shirt.

"Why are we whispering..? And ok" I whispered in his ear, he chuckles, getting off me, I giggled, grabbing the bags.

I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower, I dried my hair and grabbed my bra and underwear. I put them on and opened my bag, taking the dress out, slipping it on. I took the shoes and the accessories putting them on and walking to the mirror. I grabbed my make-up bag and put on mascara, eyeliner and a light pink lipstick and shinny lipgloss over it. A natural blush and curled my hair, spraying on some perfume, I smiled with my finish results and walked out to the living room. When I walked in, everyone's eyes locked onto me, their mouths dropped opened and their eyes wide. I blushed, shyly looking away, Adam walks over to me and he was the same.

"Wow you're so gorgeous Alice" He checks me out and smiles, he swallows nervously.

"Oh.. Uh thanks you're pretty handsome yourself" I smiled shyly, looking at him.

His hair was ruffled, which was hot and he had a white shirt with a dressy black jacket and black pants with dressy black shoes, my heels were no match for his height. He was so god damn hot, I think I'm gonna melt, Adam smirks and puts his hand on my waist.

"Ready?" He asked, looking at me, I smiled, nodding my head.

We walked to his car, he opens the door for me, I saw River and waved too him. He smiles doing the same and I slid in the car, Adam shuts the door behind me. Walking to his side and doing the same, he starts the car and drives off. We get to a fancy restaurant, I smiled, looking at the beautiful castle in front of us. He parks his car, walking to my side and opening my door, he takes my hand and helps me out. Closing the door behind me and locking the car, we walked into the restaurant and we sat on a table, a beautiful blonde waitress came over.

"Hello I'm your waitress tonight.. Would you like anything to drink?" She smiles, I felt a little self-conscious, she was so pretty, why can't I be like that.

"Yes I'll have a beer and I think the lady will have some water" Adam smiles, she nods her head, writing the orders down and walking off.

"Alice you don't have to be self-conscious.. You're gorgeous the way you are" Adam looks at me, how did he know, did he read my mind..? He smirks.

The waitress gives us our drinks and eyes up Adam, I growled at her, she jumps a little racing off. Adam chuckles, amusement written all over his face, I rolled my eyes, looking at the menu. Mmm.. So much choice they all sound yummy, I looked up to Adam, he lays back on his seat, staring at me. His green eyes shine in the light, his peachy lips, I bit my lip, staring at him, he bites his lip oh.. god that's sexy.

"What would you like to eat?" The waitress ruining me and Adams moment, I smiled, looking at the menu.

"I think I'll have pasta thanks" I said, handing her the menu, she smiles and writes my order down.

"Would you like anything sir?" She batters her eyelashes, I scoffed, rolling my eyes, taking a sip of my water.

"I'll have the same as my beautiful lady" He smiles, she frowns and writes the order down, storming off, I giggled.

He looks at me and gets up, walking over to me and kisses my forehead. He goes back to his seat, I put my hand on the table and he holds it in his. I smiled, staring at our hands, locked together, our food came, I let Adams hand go and started eating. When we were finished, Adam pays the bill and takes me somewhere, we get to a beach. It was wonderful, the moonlight shinning down on the sea and the soft sand.

We sat down on a blanket, Adam wraps his arm around me and I leaned my head on him. We stayed for a while before we left, we get back home and walked inside, everyone was gone. Adam looks at me and grabs my hand, taking me to our room, he closes the door and put his arms around my waist. He kisses my lips passionately, he lays me on the bed and kisses down my neck, his hands slid down my legs, to my shoes taking them off. He takes his shoes off with his feet, my hands gripped his shirt as his hands slid back up my legs, back around my waist. I knew I was going into heat soon, Adam stops looking at me, I looked at him and smiled. He kisses my forehead and gets off me and wraps his arms around me.

"Maybe I'll wait for later" He smirks, I knew exactly what he meant by that, I blushed, leaning my head on his chest.

We dozed off to sleep, in our clothes.. Yup.. I forgot to change cause I'm just not bothering, I'm lazy.

Adam P.O.V

Me and Alice fell asleep in our clothes, she's so gorgeous, my little angel, she'll always be my number one. I love her so much, she doesn't know it, I'll prove to her how much she means to me everyday. .

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