Chapter 16.

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Adam and I woke up, it was morning, the sun raises, lighting up our room. I stretched, hitting Adams chest, he growls, grabbing my hands. He opens his eyes slowly, looking straight at me, I smiled looking at him.

"Morning beautiful" His husky morning voice, making me melt.

"Morning" I rubbed my eyes, I jumped out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

I looked at the mirror and mentally slapped myself, I looked like a total mess, I had panda eyes and my lipstick was a little smudged. I splashed my face with water, washing the make-up off, I took my dress off and my other accessories. I walked out the bathroom and went to my draws, I felt warm strong arms go around my waist. I smiled. turning around, Adam stood behind me, he kisses my forehead, his eyes go up and down my body.

"I like it when you are in your underwear, you got a great body" He smirks, I blushed, shyly smiling, I looked into his eyes.

I hugged him for a while and turned around to my draws, grabbing my shorts and tank top. I put them on, I brushed my hair and teeth, I walked into the living room, I saw the guys sitting and chatting on the couch. I walked over to them and sat on Adams lap, I picked my legs up and put them on Connors lap. He looks at me and shakes his head, going back to talking with River, Adam smiles wrapping his arms around me, I leaned my head on his chest. I see Adams father walk inside, he stands in front of Adam, Adam frowns, looking up to his dad.

"Adam son I'm sorry but you have to pack we are leaving for a while" His father speaks, making Adam growl, I narrowed my eyes.

"But father" He argues back, I shuffled off his lap as he jumps to his feet.

"No buts Adam! Get ready by tomorrow morning we are leaving!" His father growls, he had a strong voice and it was scary.

Why was Adam always leaving.. I don't understand this at all.. Adam grabs my hand and walks to our bedroom. He lets my hand go and starts packing his stuff up, I felt sad, he's leaving me again.

"How long will you be gone..?" I swallowed, I know he would be back but I didn't want him to leave, I felt like crying.

"I don't know babe maybe a month" He says, I stiffened a month.. Is he serious! He can't leave me alone with a house full of boys!

"B-but you can't!" I cried, grabbing his arm, I narrowed my eyes, he looks at me.

"I'm sorry angel.. But I have too my fathers orders" He lowers his head, narrowing his eyes, I growled.

He finishes packing his stuff and takes it to the living room, he comes back and lays on the bed. I sighed, laying beside him, Adam wraps his arms around me, kissing my forehead.

"Sorry Alice" He looks at me and smiles, kissing my lips.

I sighed, leaning my head on his chest, I shut my eyes falling to sleep. I woke up the next morning, I stretched but I didn't feel Adam there. I looked over to Adams side and saw he was gone, I growled, frustrated it would have been nice if he said goodbye! I growled again. I got up, taking a shower and got dressed, I walked into the living room and saw River with Connor and no Adam. I sighed, walking over to them and sitting on Rivers lap cause you know.. I'm cool like that aha nah jokes. River sniffs me and looks at me, I raised an eyebrow.

"What you sniffing at..?" I asked, he smiles.

"You just smell.. I don't know different.. It's so.. Yummy" He says sniffing me again, his eyes filled with hunger.

"What the hell River?!" My brother growls, I giggled, looking at my brother.

"What..? she does.." He says looking at my brother and back to me.

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