A/F| Its All My Fault.. Prt 2

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Maturity: Angst and Fluff
Warnings: Suicide, Grief, Heaven/Hell (Afterlife), Ect.
Requested By @dF2023

(Toga POV)

I was busy throwing together an outfit I stole a few day prior that I found extremely cute. It hugged my curves perfectly in my opinion, the outfit consisted of a short yellow shirt that had a slit in the right upper thigh along with a yellow cropped top that furrowed at the sleeves. My hair was in a two tight french braids, I wanted to try something new and I actually like how it turned out. Next I grabbed my makeup and went to grab my foundation when I heard a loud thud in the room next door.

      Boss's room was next door, he was probably just looking for attention like usual. The bottom of my stomach felt uneasy which greatly confused me so I sighed frustratedly before practically stomping my way to his room. I banged on the door harshly before shouting, "Keep it down in there! I'm trying to do shit and all I can hear is you!." I didn't hear anything back, no noise or even talking so I furrowed my browns before creaking the door open slowly. Once the door completely opened my stomach dropped..there in the floor laid my boss drenched in blood...

My hands instinctively went over my mouth, I screamed to the top of my lungs before rushing inside, keeling beside him. I turned him over to face me, a deep cut ran down his throat, blood no longer draining from the wound which made me wonder how long he was like this..It couldn't have been long right?..I only just heard a thud.. Footsteps ran down the hall and into the room, "Toga..what..?", from the voice I could tell it was Twice. Kurogiri ran in after and stopped dead in is tracks, "WHAT THE HELL?!" He screamed.

      Blood soaked my new shirt and thighs but I didn't care, I was to lost in thought and in pain to care about anything but the cold body that laid on me. Kurogiri walked around next to me before grabbing what sounded like paper from the bed, "Guys..it's a suicide note.." he said wearily. He read it off slowly and each word made me feel even worse about this whole situation and with myself. If I hadn't taken my pain and anger on him maybe he would still be alive..it's my fault..god what did I do?..

(Shigaraki POV)

       I opened my eyes to a bright light, I stood in a garden full of various of flowers and trees, children ran around laughing happily. I looked around and recognized no one until a voice called my name, "Shigaraki.." it sounded full of love and uncertainty..the deep raspy sound caught my attention quickly.. I turned around widening my eyes instantly..there stood the man I killed. Tears pricked my eyes before I rushed into his arms, he hugged me back tightly, tears covered our faces but we wasn't sad, in fact we were happy.

       "How have you been..?" he asked once we both calmed down, he ran his fingers through my hair gently with a smile. "Terrible..but better now sense I'm with you" I said cheerfully, "I saw how they treated you..god you didn't deserve that.." he said dropping his smile for a second before quickly adding it back. "Anyways I'm really glad your here, life was so empty without you" he spoke, I laughed, "Life?" I asked. "Okay okay, afterlife" he aid between laughs, we have a sweet kiss before hugging once more.

      We held each other for what felt like years, neither one wanting to let go. "Here, let me show you around" he spoke gently before latching our hands together. He showed me all the beautiful buildings and families that showered this world. While walking hand in hand I made a mental note to never let him go again. This time I was gonna do everything In my power to keep him next to me throughout this afterlife even if I become controlling. He's never leaving my side and I'm never leaving his ever again, a sweet smile plastered our face while we sat huddled close under a cherry tree just like when we first went on a date except this time..I enjoyed it way more.



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