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Messiah: Mommy did you like daddy when you first saw him?

Fatima: Yes baby I did

Messiah: Ohhhhh

Fatima: What baby?

Messiah: nothing mommy finish the story please

Fatima:(*Gives him a side eye*) okaaay?

Zac and Fatima did eventually exchange numbers and started talking more. Fatima thought it was weird for them to be talking so much because he has a girlfriend, but Zac reassured that it was fine and she didn't mind it. Little did Zac know Maya hated every second that Zac was so anything with Fatima.

Maya felt like she lost the one person that she loved the most. So she came up with a plan to get ride of Fatima forever so that she could have Zac all to herself.

Maya: Hey Fatima

Fatima: Heyy....?

Maya: Maya

Fatima: Oh hey Maya how can I help you

Maya: So you know Zac is my boyfriend right

Fatima: (Uncomfortable) Yea he talks about you all the time

Maya: I just think that you both are a little to close to be friends. Like y'all are seeing each other everyday and I'm not comfortable with that.

Fatima: I mean we both have practice on the football field and we have games

Maya: I get that but you should just stop talking to him ok

(*Andi, Fatima's best friend walks up*)

Andi: (Notice's her mood) You ok girl

Fatima: Yea i'm fine

Maya:Who are you

Andi: Nobody that you need to know

Maya: Anyways like I was saying stay away from Zac or else we are goin to have a problem ok?

Fatima: Bye Maya have a good day

(*Fatima and Andi walk away*)

Andi: Girl what was that about

Fatima: That was Zac's girlfriend she was saying that she didn't like how close Zac and I have become over these few days but it's fine

Andi: Girl why you ain't check her the old Fatima would've dog walked her

Fatima: Because I'm not goin to give her the time of day and plus my parents have paid to much money for the county to drop my charges

Andi: You right but let me do it just once

Fatima: Girl no she seem like the type to press charges


Messiah: Mommy you were crazy

Fatima: I really was baby

When we first met (A Zatima Story) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now