Content, but not happy

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*Fatima has gotten back into her normal routine. She feels better and looks better. Most importantly her mental health is tens times better. She stopped thinking about Ju as much and just decided to let her father and Zac handle all of that. But she still has her days and today is one of those days.*

Fatima: Zac why won't you tell me anything?

Zac: Cause Ti you don't need to be worrying about any of that stuff.

Fatima: Zac how can I not, he literally has it out for me!

Zac: Ti as me and your father said before we got this now just calm down, you have been doin a lot better just stay focused on that okay?

Fatima: Ok Zac.

* Charles and Zac have been talking a lot more in order to find Ju or at least see what he has planned*

Charles: Hey Zac how is she doing?

Zac: Hey, but you know she has her days and today is one of those and she is stressing herself our right now.

Charles: At least she is getting back to her old self, I can't have my babygirl out here scared of some lol boy.

Zac: I know, but did you find anything on Ju?

Charles: I found out where he is handing but I don't want to just rush in there we have to have a plan, but also know what he is planning to do to Fatima.

Zac: I know, I think I have an idea.....

* In the process of Fatima getting better Andi has been there the whole time and hasn't left her side. You would think that they could get any closer than they are now but your completely wrong.This brought them closer, they hated that it had to be this way, but they were thankful. Right now Andi and Fatima are at the mall*

Andi: So Ti how does it feel?

Fatima: Girl how does what feel?

Andi: To be 2 month sober!

Fatima: I mean it feels good, can't say I don't have my moments where I want to go back, but I know I'm trying to get better and as my nana said I have to take it one day at a time.

Andi: I'm proud of you Ti, but please don't ever do that again it was third time and I don't want you to loose your life if you go back again.

Fatima:(teary eyed) Can we talk about something else please?

Andi: Of course.

Fatima: Thank you.

Andi: Sooooooooooo.

Fatima: So what?

Andi: How are you and Zac?

Fatima: We're good Andi, I really love him.

Andi: I know you do, I can see it every time you talk about him.

Fatima: I'm just thankful that I have him in my life

Andi: I know he feels the same way boo.

Fatima: I hope so.

Andi: We'll girl let's get to trying on some clothes

* In the meantime Ju been keeping and eye on Fatima everywhere she goes. He doesn't know that Charles found out where his hideout is but also following him everywhere he goes just waiting for the right moment.*

Had to give y'all a lil sum sum. Ik I been mia but I'm getting back into my normal routine and self again so yea.
How y'all been ain't heard from y'all in a min hope everything is well and yea
That's it babes
Hope you had a good day
Love you💕

When we first met (A Zatima Story) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now